👋 I'm bernini, an opensource developer currently involved with #faircoop and #bankofthecommons development :) I'm particularly interested in #decentralizedGovernance, #permaculture and #anarchism topics among others...
My current project is www.opencoopecosystem.net (and his child www.unooverse.com)
Really happy to join socialcoop 🎉🎉
#faircoop #bankofthecommons #decentralizedgovernance #permaculture #anarchism
@christobal @mattcropp @mayel Any Bank of the Commons member here in social.coop?
#bankofthecommons #faircoin
@mattcropp @JohnMarlow @stefanieschulte @risabee I'm familiar with #BankoftheCommons, #FairCoin, #faircoop and their progenitors in CIC - the Catalan Cooperative.
The ethos of all three is quite anti-system - and is quite often based on 'hacking' the current administrative, legal, financial systems (creating alt systems within systems, and focusing on outcomes not form).
One of the founder members is on our Loomio group - Enric Duran. But can't find him on #socialcoop
#bankofthecommons #faircoin #faircoop #socialcoop