With the recent bank failures, it's only natural to be concerned about your bank. Now there are tools to help you evaluate the level of risk that your bank exposes you to.
You can find them here:
There is a FREE report immediately available for #SiliconValleyBank #SVB
Very interested to hear from the mastodon community your thoughts about this project.
#siliconvalleybank #svb #bankfailure #banks #bank #bankrisk #bankliquidity
Hi, saying hello and happy Friday.
Want to keep up with the economic news? Federal Reserve loans to banks declined some this past week. Declining a little more than $11 billion. From ~$344 to $333 billion. Both figures exclude PPP loans.
Keep up with the banks:
Keep up with the Fed:
And lots more:
#FollowFriday #FollowBackFriday
#economics #economy #BankLiquidity #BankRisk #FederalReserve
#followfriday #FollowBackFriday #economics #economy #bankliquidity #bankrisk #federalreserve