Metropolitan Museum of Art to return $550K in donations from FTX - The agreement came on the back of “good faith, arm’s length negot... - #metropolitanmuseumofart #westrealmshiresservices #bankruptcycourt #philanthropy #politicians #lawmakers #delaware
#ftx #delaware #lawmakers #politicians #philanthropy #bankruptcycourt #westrealmshiresservices #metropolitanmuseumofart
Core Scientific to transfer $20M of equipment to settle bankruptcy dispute - Millions of dollars worth of electrical equipment will be transfe... - #bankruptcycourt #corescientific #equipmentsale #cryptomining #texascourt #btcmining #chapter11 #coresci
#coresci #chapter11 #btcmining #texascourt #cryptomining #equipmentsale #corescientific #bankruptcycourt
US officials appeal protections for Voyager execs in Binance.US sale - The DOJ disagrees with the legal protections given to those invol... - #unregisteredsecurities #exculpationprovision #williamharrington #bankruptcycourt #voyagerdigital #shingolavine #ustrustee
#ustrustee #binance #shingolavine #voyagerdigital #bankruptcycourt #williamharrington #exculpationprovision #unregisteredsecurities
3AC Co-Founder Kyle Davies Fails to Respond to Liquidators’ Subpoena Despite Twitter Delivery - According to recent court filings, Kyle Davies, co-founder of the defunct cryptocu... - #cryptocurrencyhedgefund #relevantauthorities #solicitinginvestors #threearrowscapital #uncertainlocation #chapter15process #newcryptoventure #bankruptcycourt #liquidationteam #communication
#communication #liquidationteam #bankruptcycourt #newcryptoventure #chapter15process #uncertainlocation #threearrowscapital #solicitinginvestors #relevantauthorities #cryptocurrencyhedgefund
FTX Debtors Demand Return of Funds Given to US Politicians and Super PACs - FTX debtors are seeking to claw back millions of dollars given to U.S. political a... - #oneinthreemembersofcongress #charitableorganizations #minnesotarepresentative #politicalorganizations #now-bankruptftxestate #sambankman-fried(sbf) #midtermelectioncycle #americanpoliticians #confidentialletters #bankruptcycourt
#bankruptcycourt #confidentialletters #americanpoliticians #midtermelectioncycle #sambankman #now #politicalorganizations #minnesotarepresentative #charitableorganizations #oneinthreemembersofcongress
DOJ-Appointed US Trustee Objects to Subpoena Request in FTX Bankruptcy Case - Following a request from FTX lawyers to subpoena FTX co-founder Sam Bankman-Fried ... - #bankruptcycourtofthedistrictofdelaware #objectiveinvestigation #gabrielbankman-fried #departmentofjustice #independentexaminer #duplicativeefforts #johnhickenlooper #sambankman-fried #bankruptcycourt #elizabethwarren #motion
#motion #elizabethwarren #bankruptcycourt #sambankman #johnhickenlooper #duplicativeefforts #independentexaminer #departmentofjustice #gabrielbankman #objectiveinvestigation #bankruptcycourtofthedistrictofdelaware
FTX Debtors Seek Dismissal of Turkish Entities in Chapter 11 Bankruptcy Proceedings - FTX debtors have filed a motion with the court requesting to dismiss its Turkish s... - #alamedaresearchsubsidiary #bankruptcyproceedings #turkishsubsidiaries #chapter7conversion #turkishauthorities #bankruptcyprocess #businessdealings #court-authorized #sambankman-fried #bankruptcycourt #estates
#estates #bankruptcycourt #sambankman #court #businessdealings #bankruptcyprocess #turkishauthorities #chapter7conversion #turkishsubsidiaries #bankruptcyproceedings #alamedaresearchsubsidiary
Genesis eyes fast resolution to creditor disputes and bankruptcy exit in May - A lawyer for Genesis is optimistic it can resolve creditor disput... - #digitalcurrencygroup #genesisglobalholdco #genesiscreditors #bankruptcycourt #cryptolender #bankruptcy #chapter11 #genesis #filings #gemini #ch11 #dcg
#dcg #ch11 #gemini #filings #genesis #chapter11 #bankruptcy #cryptolender #bankruptcycourt #genesiscreditors #genesisglobalholdco #digitalcurrencygroup
Binance US Plans to Acquire Voyager Digital’s Assets for $1 Billion in Bankruptcy Bid - According to a Binance blog post, Binance US has entered an agreement with Voyager... - #u.s.binancesubsidiary #voyagerdigitalsassets #chapter11bankruptcy #bankruptcyprocess #judgemichaelwiles #bankruptcycourt #voyagerdigital #voyagershares #wavefinancial #binanceusceo #brianshroder
#binance #brianshroder #binanceusceo #wavefinancial #voyagershares #voyagerdigital #bankruptcycourt #judgemichaelwiles #bankruptcyprocess #chapter11bankruptcy #voyagerdigitalsassets #u
New York Times, FT, Bloomberg Blasted for Attempting to Get FTX Creditors’ Names Unsealed - Amid the ongoing FTX bankruptcy proceedings, court documents indicate that media f... - #doriannakamotodoxx #dowjonesandcompany #establishmentmedia #bankruptcymatters #mediaintervenors #sambankman-fried #bankruptcycourt #mainstreammedia #thenewyorktimes #cryptoexchange #financialtimes
#financialtimes #cryptoexchange #thenewyorktimes #mainstreammedia #bankruptcycourt #sambankman #mediaintervenors #bankruptcymatters #establishmentMedia #dowjonesandcompany #doriannakamotodoxx
#StudentDebt | #StudentLoan:
What bothers me is there has been no effort to allow Federal student loans only from certified schools, and create a process to educate and certify high school students on how to choose a higher education that will serve their lifetime needs from career satisfaction to income. Only career certification should be required to get a Federally funded student loan in the future.
Finally, why is there no discussion of allowing student loans to be eligible for #bankruptcy protection? There could be strict requirements added to Federal laws for student debt qualifying for discharge in #bankruptcycourt, and if so, whether or not these loans qualify for #chapter7 or #chapter11.
#studentdebt #studentloan #bankruptcy #bankruptcycourt #chapter7 #chapter11
FTX Co-Founder Sam Bankman-Fried Faces US Extradition, Bankruptcy Court Says Top Execs Won’t Be Compensated - According to a report citing three people familiar with the matter, the former FTX... - #extraditedtotheu.s. #sambankman-fried #bankruptcycourt #carolineellison #ftxsubsidiaries #bankruptcycase #sbfextradition #balancesheets #ftxbankruptcy #extradited
#extradited #ftxbankruptcy #balancesheets #sbfextradition #bankruptcycase #ftxsubsidiaries #carolineellison #bankruptcycourt #sambankman #extraditedtotheu
Ikigai Exec Says ‘Large Majority’ of Crypto Asset Management Firm’s Funds Stuck on FTX - After Kevin Zhou, the co-founder of the hedge fund Galois Capital, revealed half o... - #bankruptcyprotection #potentialrecovery #multicoincapital #bankruptcycourt #ftxbankruptcy #ftxinsolvency #galaxydigital #galoiscapital #cryptoassets #ikigai’scio #traviskling #hedgefunds #ikigaifund #news
#news #ikigaifund #hedgefunds #traviskling #ikigai #cryptoassets #galoiscapital #galaxydigital #ftxinsolvency #ftxbankruptcy #bankruptcycourt #multicoincapital #potentialrecovery #bankruptcyprotection