Happy New Year from
#GoodGracieCat #FearlessFreddyCat #BanksyTheCat #KloheCat #CatsOfMastodon
#catsofmastodon #klohecat #banksythecat #fearlessfreddycat #goodgraciecat
For Whom the Bell Jingles
#BanksyTheCat of Markerville
Loved to chase the tweeters
While they feasted on the seeds
Provided in the feeders.
I clapped my hands to warn the peeps.
At Banksy I did holler.
I even sought to help by placing
#bells upon her collar.
#SmallPoems #SmallStories #CatsOfMastodon #BadPoetry
#badpoetry #catsofmastodon #smallstories #smallpoems #bells #banksythecat
#BanksyTheCat loves sharing morning coffee break. #CatsOfMastodon @catsofmastodon
#BanksyTheCat is happy with the sun quality, just disappointed that the white stuff is still EVERYwhere. #CatsOfMastodon @catsofmastodon
#BanksyTheCat showing off those whiskers! #WhiskerWednesday #CatsOfMastodon @catsofmastodon #HistoricMarkerville
#historicmarkerville #catsofmastodon #whiskerwednesday #banksythecat
This is also August anctics for #BanksyTheCat #CatsOfMastodon @catsofmastodon
#BanksyTheCat wants to know when it’s her turn on the legs. #CatsOfMastodon #Caturday @catsofmastodon
#Caturday #catsofmastodon #banksythecat
#BanksyTheCat starting her day. #CatsOfMastodon @catsofmastodon #HistoricMarkerville
#historicmarkerville #catsofmastodon #banksythecat
A couple of years+ ago, #BanksyTheCat was checking out the yard and taking mental notes during the first week in the #NotSundre #CatsOfMastodon @catsofmastodon
#catsofmastodon #notsundre #banksythecat
#BanksyTheCat waitin’ for the gossip at the water cooler… #CatsOfMastodon @catsofmastodon
#BanksyTheCat on a box. #CatsOfMastodon #HistoricMarkerville
#historicmarkerville #catsofmastodon #banksythecat
#BanksyTheCat and #GoodGracieCat out for a stroll near the Medicine River in #HistoricMarkerville #CatsOfMastodon
#catsofmastodon #historicmarkerville #goodgraciecat #banksythecat
Just a lazy morning with #banksythecat and #fearlessfreddycat in #historicmarkerville #cats_of_mastodon
#cats_of_mastodon #historicmarkerville #fearlessfreddycat #banksythecat