To the President of the #CanaryIslands, the EU and governments everywhere:
We’re calling on you to reject the plan to build the world's first industrial octopus farm in #Spain and #BanOctopusFarming in the #EU and around the world, including its #import and #financing. Octopuses are intelligent, sentient and fascinating #animals. Let’s avoid creating more animal suffering for unsustainable and short-term human profit.
#animals #financing #import #eu #banoctopusfarming #Spain #canaryislands
Octopuses Have Remarkably Similar Sleep Patterns to Humans–and May Even Dream
Researchers found that, like us, the octopus transitions between two sleep stages, a “quiet” stage and an “active” stage that resembles REM sleep in mammals.
Their arms and eyes twitch, their breathing rate quickens, and their skin flashes with vibrant colors—which has led scientists to conjecture that they may even be dreaming.
#banoctopusfarming #octopus #seeanimalsasindividuals
you're very welcome. Thank you so much for speaking up for the octopuses 🐙
Now they’re being slammed by scientists and the media – and if enough of us add to the pressure right now we can stop them.
Sign the petition to the Spanish multinational Nueva Pescanova calling on them to stop their octopus torture farm!
#banoctopusfarming #grancanaria #nuevapescanova
RT @PeterEgan6
The world’s 1st octopus farm would cram a MILLION of these smart and sensitive creatures into tiny tanks before painfully freezing them to death – but a massive public outcry can help stop it. Sign and share now! #BanOctopusFarming
The world’s 1st octopus farm would cram a MILLION of these smart and sensitive creatures into tiny tanks before painfully freezing them to death – but a massive public outcry can help stop it. Sign and share now! #BanOctopusFarming
The world’s 1st octopus farm would cram a MILLION of these smart and sensitive creatures into tiny tanks before painfully freezing them to death – but a massive public outcry can help stop it. Sign and share now!
The world’s 1st octopus farm would cram a MILLION of these smart and sensitive creatures into tiny tanks before painfully freezing them to death – but a massive public outcry can help stop it. Sign and share now! #BanOctopusFarming
The world’s 1st octopus farm would cram a MILLION of these smart and sensitive creatures into tiny tanks before painfully freezing them to death – but a massive public outcry can help stop it. Sign and share now! #BanOctopusFarming
In der weltweit ersten Oktopus-Farm sollen MILLIONEN dieser intelligenten und sensiblen Geschöpfe in winzige Becken gezwängt und dann qualvoll eingefroren werden – aber noch können wir das verhindern. Jetzt unterzeichnen und teilen! #BanOctopusFarming
In ’s werelds eerste intensieve octopuskwekerij zou een MILJOEN van deze slimme, gevoelige wezens in piepkleine aquariums worden gepropt om vervolgens een langzame en pijnlijke dood te sterven. Teken en deel deze oproep! #BanOctopusFarming
RT @BeateHaubrock
In der weltweit ersten Oktopus-Farm sollen MILLIONEN dieser intelligenten und sensiblen Geschöpfe in winzige Becken gezwängt und dann qualvoll eingefroren werden – aber noch können wir das verhindern. Jetzt unterzeichnen und teilen! #BanOctopusFarming
In der weltweit ersten Oktopus-Farm sollen MILLIONEN dieser intelligenten und sensiblen Geschöpfe in winzige Becken gezwängt und dann qualvoll eingefroren werden – aber noch können wir das verhindern. Jetzt unterzeichnen und teilen! #BanOctopusFarming
sollen MILLIONEN dieser intelligenten und sensiblen Geschöpfe in winzige Becken gezwängt und dann qualvoll eingefroren werden – aber noch können wir das verhindern. Jetzt unterzeichnen und teilen! #BanOctopusFarming
Il primo allevamento di polpi al mondo costringerebbe un MILIONE di queste creature intelligenti e sensibili in minuscole vasche prima di congelarle dolorosamente a morte. Un’enorme protesta pubblica può fermarlo. Firma e condividi ora! #BanOctopusFarming
RT @PeterSinger
The world’s 1st octopus farm would cram a MILLION of these smart and sensitive creatures into tiny tanks before painfully freezing them to death – but a massive public outcry can help stop it. Sign and share now! #BanOctopusFarming
The world’s 1st octopus farm would cram a MILLION of these smart and sensitive creatures into tiny tanks before painfully freezing them to death – but a massive public outcry can help stop it. Sign and share now! #BanOctopusFarming
RT @tentspitch
Please sign this is awful; The world’s 1st octopus farm would cram a MILLION of these smart, sensitive creatures into tiny tanks before painfully freezing them to death – but a massive public outcry can help stop it. Sign and share now! #BanOctopusFarming
The world’s 1st octopus farm would cram a MILLION of these smart and sensitive creatures into tiny tanks before painfully freezing them to death – but a massive public outcry can help stop it. Sign and share now! #BanOctopusFarming