Riddhe Marcenas can eat a butt, we're Marida Cruz fans in this colony.
(RG Banshee, mostly stock with some painted metallic highlights, P Bandai Armed Armor VN/BS set, Delpi holo decals)
#gunpla #unicorngundam #banshee
Be careful of the ghastly shrieking ye hear at night, for ye may find a tragedy soon after. Enjoy the poem :)
#poem #poetry #poetrycommunity #beansí #banshee
#poem #poetry #poetrycommunity #beansi #banshee
In the past, we had the banshee to warn us of encroaching death and disaster. Today we have social media and a twenty-four-hour news cycle.
Image: 'The Banshee Appears,' by R. Prowse (1862). Taken from https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:The_Banshee_Appears_(1862).jpg
#folklore #banshee #bansìthe #beanshìdh #beansí #CelticFolklore #IrishFolklore #mastodaoine
#folklore #banshee #bansithe #beanshidh #beansi #celticfolklore #irishfolklore #mastodaoine
Blip (no relation) and Banshee are both flippers with meh records/performance.
A few good flips at the end, but still meh, overall.
Finita #Banshee: per me seriona senza se e senza ma, capace di migliorare stagione dopo stagione (peculiarità rara). 😎
Non guarderò più con gli stessi occhi Antony Starr nei panni di Patriota. 😁
Adesso ho bisogno di un cambio di genere, quindi mi butto su #TheDiplomat. 😁
Sono andato a recuperare #Banshee, quando #AntonyStarr era ancora mezzo sconosciuto, non era ancora Patriota, ma forse era addirittura meglio di Patriota. 😁
Una serie di 10 anni fa che è invecchiata benissimo, non è per tutti: è la classica serie brutta-sporca-cattiva.
Appena finito la prima stagione, che avrei dovuto cominciare nel 2013; ho fatto benissimo a recuperarla. 😁
Qui ci si può fare un'idea: https://is.gd/WOmmcg
Marvel United: X-Men Blue Team - Banshee
#marvelunitedboardgame #marvelunitedxmen #marvelunited #xmenminiatures #cmongames #minipainting #cmonmarvel #minifigures #chibiminiatures #miniaturepainting #miniature #boardgames #blueteam #banshee
#MadCatter's captain Martin Mason came on to help call the next match, #Banshee v #Emulsifier, two relatively newer bots.
I do like Banshee's team's outfits. We need more kilts in the world. Emulsifier runs a unique track propulsion system rather than wheels.
In the end Banshee really didn't show anything, not a single flip, and Emulsifier just chewed him up a bit until Banshee just died.
#madcatter #banshee #emulsifier
**Just A Small Town Girl**
Wide eyed and rictus smiled
I'm clinging on for dear life
First class ticket clutched in hand
And there's a #banshee howling
Some storm chaser's lament
While this one way train
The conductor bailed
Out of two stops ago
Heads straight for the tunnel
At the end of the line
#TurningThePhrase #poem #poetry #writing #vssPoem #PromptPoetry #280characters #SilverWrites
#silverwrites #280characters #promptpoetry #vsspoem #writing #poetry #poem #turningthephrase #vss365 #banshee
{#Chronique} Bonjour, je reviens temporairement pour vous annoncer la parution de ma chronique sur "Un cercueil sous les congélateurs de
Donneriez-vous votre sang à un vampire ? Voyez ce que Fabien en pense.
Bonne lecture. 🙂
#nouvelle #romance #surnaturel #vampire #banshee #legende #sorcière #chasseur
#chronique #Nouvelle #romance #surnaturel #vampire #banshee #legende #sorciere #chasseur
A Banshee from Monster Hunters Unlimited a series of tongue-in-cheek handbooks that instructs readers on the not-so-deadly art of monster hunting.
Writer John Gatehouse and I created the series for Price Stern Sloan a division of Penguin USA.
#Banshee #MonsterHuntersUnlimited #KidLit #KidsBooks #Monsters #PriceSternSloan #PenguinBooks #Drawing #Illustration #FediArt #MastoArt
#MastoArt #fediart #illustration #drawing #penguinbooks #pricesternsloan #monsters #kidsbooks #kidlit #monsterhuntersunlimited #banshee
The history of the Baird family was a meandering thing, their family tree always threatening to wither away—or be chopped down. The men were all gamblers with the worst kind of luck. The women often wandered into forests, spat out as oracles or banshees. Every other child died young, often gracelessly.
Somehow the line managed to carry on into the twentieth century, and things got worse from there.
#writing #microfiction #VSS #banshee #history #vss365
The Banshee: #draweveryday #ded2023 #banshee #myth #folklore #folkhorror
#draweveryday #ded2023 #banshee #myth #folklore #folkhorror
Post 2 characters you’ve recently started loving and tag 5 mutuals to do the same:
- David Xanatos from #Gargoyles
- Clay Burton from #Banshee
@BiscottiTe@twitter.com @PoetartistaT@twitter.com @NoraRohrig@twitter.com @queenseptienna@twitter.com @Evenstar8269@twitter.com
Igrid's gaze drifted as she remembered the Sea King. "I heard him before anyone else did. His #banshee shrieking over the storm-tossed waves. Then, ships cracking in half and pulled under."
She wiped her eyes. "Never saw him. Only bits of wreckage and pieces of friends."
The wind whistles through every gap in the old house. It’s so loud we have to yell to communicate, and with twelve of us here we’re making quite a racket.
“Sounds like a banshee warning to me,” yells Fiona. These words manage to carry above everyone else’s and we hush and listen and remember and worry and look at each other sideways like characters in a murder mystery.
This might not be such a fun reunion after all.
#microfiction #vss365 #banshee