My heart absolutely breaks at the amount of litter and plastics on the beach. You hear and watch all the news reports, but seeing it for yourself really opens your eyes. This planet is in big trouble, and it just breaks my heart. #Litter #Plastics #Ocean #TexasGulfCoast #SurfsideBeach #ThisCritterDontLitter #Recycle #BanSingleUsePlastic
#litter #plastics #ocean #texasgulfcoast #surfsidebeach #thiscritterdontlitter #recycle #bansingleuseplastic
#plasticpollution #bansingleuseplastic #pollution #SaveOurOceans #saveourplanet
A short two mile bike ride.
#plasticpollution #bansingleuseplastic #pollution #saveouroceans #saveourplanet
#environment #plasticpollution #bansingleuseplastic #banmylarbaloons #earthday
This was floating on my ocean yesterday.
#environment #plasticpollution #bansingleuseplastic #banmylarbaloons #earthday
❇️Reduce and reuse first❇️ ...and then recycle if absolutely necessary. In Canada🇨🇦 we have chain of stores called "Bulk Barn" ( that weighs your jars first, you fill them, then pay for the difference. Works great‼️
#goodnewsforourclimate #bansingleuseplastic #nomoregreenwashing
Sri Lanka will ban single-use plastics to protect wild elephants🐘 and deer 🦌 ✅
#goodnewsfornature #bansingleuseplastic #winwinfornature
#California and #WashingtonDC 🇺🇸 scientists use European 🇪🇺 satellite data to discover and identify both known and illegal/unknown planetary garbage dumpsites. Illegal dumpsters can run but now they can't hide‼️
#GoodNewsForOurClimate and #BanSingleUsePlastic
#EnvironmentScienceNews #california #WashingtonDC #goodnewsforourclimate #bansingleuseplastic
#UniversityOfPortsmouth 🇬🇧
research found to #BanSingleUsePlastic would be effective by employing the following three methods‼️
🟢 Make it easy to use alternatives
🟢 Phase in a ban
🟢 Involve the public
#EnvironmentScienceNews #universityofportsmouth #bansingleuseplastic #goodnewsfornature
Great primer on #BioPlastics from #TreeHugger.
#StopPlasticPollution #BanSingleUsePlastic #Compost #Sustainability #SustainableLiving
#bioplastics #TreeHugger #StopPlasticPollution #bansingleuseplastic #compost #sustainability #sustainableliving