Don’t just ban #Trump from the ballot.
Ban the whole of the #GOP.
#Republican members of #Congress gave aid and comfort to charged and convicted #January6 insurrectionist terrorists.
They are still pushing #DonaldTrump’s election lies.
It’s time to take a stand before it’s too late.
#BanTrump & #BanTheGOP from the #Election2024 ballot.
#trump #gop #republican #congress #January6 #donaldtrump #bantrump #banthegop #election2024 #democracyslaststand
#19ShadesOfTRE45ON #Trump #DonaldTrump #TRE45ON
This is a great start, but what about:
They were all involved and have been giving aid and comfort to the #January6 terrorists, as well as pushing Trump’s big lie.
The #GOP are a criminal organization hell-bent on bringing about the total destruction of #AmericanDemocracy.
#19shadesoftre45on #trump #donaldtrump #tre45on #laurenboebert #marjorietaylorgreene #kevinmccarthy #mobrooks #MadisonCawthorn #jimjordan #paulgosar #louiegohmert #scottperry #lindseygraham #joshhawley #January6 #gop #americandemocracy #banthegop
"Encourage free schools, and resolve that not one dollar of money shall be appropriated to the support of any sectarian school. Resolve that neither the state nor nation, or both combined..."
— Ulysses S. Grant, Speech to the Society of the Army of Tennessee (1875) —
#RuleOfLaw #DefendTheConstitution #EducationMatters #BanTheGOP #Insurrection #Rebellion #Confedereds
#ruleoflaw #defendtheconstitution #educationmatters #banthegop #insurrection #rebellion #confedereds
The #GOP thinks accountability is for the average folk or for ppl who don’t agree with them. #BanTheGOP
#guncontrolnow #banthegop #GOPDEATHCULT
#guncontrolnow #banthegop #GOPDEATHCULT
These Republican Gun Nuts post images like this with their kids holding weapons of war to try and normalize that it's okay for kids to have them. THIS IS WHAT GROOMING LOOKS LIKE!! It's absolutely disgusting.
#GOPDEATHCULT #banthegop #guncontrolnow
RT to @RepOgles & every member of #GOPDeathCult
Killings were in his district & this is his holiday card!
Stop the killing?
#BanTheGOP as a domestic terrorist organization
#guncontrolnow #banthegop #GOPDEATHCULT
'Don't Say Gay' Lawmaker Pleads Guilty to COVID Relief Fraud #BanTheGOP #Republicans are criminals. Prove me wrong.
@gwfoto Mini-Putin DeSantis is dumbf**king wrong, if he thinks he's free to ignore the First Amendment, Freedom of Speech & Freedom of the Press:
"Gitlow v. New York, 268 U.S. 652 (1925), was a landmark decision of the United States Supreme Court holding that the Fourteenth Amendment to the United States Constitution had extended the First Amendment's provisions protecting freedom of speech and freedom of the press to apply to the governments of U.S. states."
Also interesting with regard to Trump's Jan 6 rally, in 1925 SCOTUS held as follows:
"The Fourteenth Amendment prohibits states from infringing free speech, but the defendant was properly convicted under New York's Criminal Anarchy Law because he disseminated newspapers that advocated the violent overthrow of the government."
#RuleOfLaw #FreeSpeech #FreePress #Democracy #DefendDemocracy #DefensiveDemocracy #DefendTheConstitution #FirstAmendment #14thAmendment #DisqualifyDeSantis #Insurrection #Rebellion #RemoveRon #BanTheGOP
#ruleoflaw #freespeech #freepress #democracy #defenddemocracy #defensivedemocracy #defendtheconstitution #firstamendment #14thamendment #disqualifydesantis #insurrection #rebellion #removeron #banthegop
@realTuckFrumper Isn't it a fact, that membership bids for today's "GOP" require you to bring your own personal mugshot?
#DefendAmerica #DefendDemocracy #DefendTheConstitution #Democracy #BanTheGOP #CareerCriminals #LawlessnessAndDisorder #KingsOfCrime
#DefendAmerica #defenddemocracy #defendtheconstitution #democracy #banthegop #careercriminals #lawlessnessanddisorder #kingsofcrime
@Tristan @GTStevenson @QasimRashid @seizemoments While in fact it's the grandnessless "GOP" that should leave. For Moscow.
#Democracy #DefendDemocracy #DefensiveDemocracy #BanTheGOP #DefraudingAmerica
#democracy #defenddemocracy #defensivedemocracy #banthegop #defraudingamerica
@GottaLaff If there's one thing the history of Hitler's power-grab (, which Trump obviously & desperately tries to replay to evade justice) can teach & already should've taught us, it's that anti-democratic forces must never be part of legitimate & legal democratic processes like elections:
"When democracy granted democratic methods for us in the times of opposition, this was bound to happen in a democratic system. However, we National Socialists never asserted that we represented a democratic point of view, but we have declared openly that we used democratic methods only in order to gain the power and that, after assuming the power, we would deny to our adversaries without any consideration the means which were granted to us in the times of opposition."
— Joseph Goebbels, Hitler's Propaganda Minister —
#DefendDemocracy #DefensiveDemocracy #Democracy #DefendTheConstitution #BanTheGOP #AttackingAmerica #DefraudingAmerica #AbuseOfPower
#defenddemocracy #defensivedemocracy #democracy #defendtheconstitution #banthegop #attackingamerica #defraudingamerica #abuseofpower
@ZhiZhu Tell me again, what *adhering to the Enemies of the United States, giving them Aid and Comfort* means in legal terms.
And anyone wanna suggest, that ex-KGB lackey Putin is not an enemy of the United States?
#Democracy #DefendDemocracy #DefensiveDemocracy #ConDeSantis #BetrayingAmerica #Corruption #RemoveRon #BanTheGOP #DefraudingAmerica
#democracy #defenddemocracy #defensivedemocracy #condesantis #betrayingamerica #corruption #removeron #banthegop #defraudingamerica
@drrjv @Pepper @TonyStark There are damn lots of reasons, why murderous lunatics should never hold any public office.
The widespread willingness to kill among today's "Republicans" is more than worrying — they're obviously clinical psychiatric cases.
#Democracy #DefendDemocracy #StandWithHumanity #HumanRights #SaveLives #BanTheGOP #AttackingAmerica
#democracy #defenddemocracy #standwithhumanity #humanrights #savelives #banthegop #attackingamerica
@DaveRussell Deregulation as practiced by today's "Republicans" — so they've got the power to abuse — overwhelmingly serves corporate greed & "Republican" sole contemporary reason to exist; Corruption.
#DefendAmerica #DefendDemocracy #Democracy #BanTheGOP #Corruption
#DefendAmerica #defenddemocracy #democracy #banthegop #corruption
@Sunspot @TheRealBozoTClown What's not making things any better for today's "GOP" is, that they may not even have become aware of Trump's criminal 2019 attempts to extort President Zelenskyy to smear the Bidens, but that today's "Republicans" were giving him a free pass without wanting to know, if he committed a crime(s).
And that's why they forfeited any right to congressional representation.
#ruleoflaw #DefendAmerica #defenddemocracy #banthegop
@SrRochardBunson How tolerable is a power-abusing popular minority like the "GOP", that is militantly intolerant of peaceful minorities?
"GOP" sends atrocious witch-hunt greetings from Salem.
#StandWithHumanity #DefendDemocracy #Democracy #UnitedInDiversity #StrongerTogether #BanTheGOP #LGBTQ
#standwithhumanity #defenddemocracy #democracy #UnitedInDiversity #strongertogether #banthegop #lgbtq
@ThorOfAsgard @Sunspot I'd say, they're an insurrectionary corporate congressional lobby - even if it's much longer... & obviously doesn't include Disney, in DeInsanitis's case.😉✌
#DefendDemocracy #DefendAmerica #Democracy #BanTheGOP #Confederaticans
#defenddemocracy #DefendAmerica #democracy #banthegop #confederaticans
@bsonder @RobertMaguire "Woke" noticeably stinks from hate, when used by today's insurrectionary un-Republican "GOP".
#UnitedInDiversity #StrongerTogether #DefendDemocracy #Democracy #DefensiveDemocracy #BanTheGOP
#UnitedInDiversity #strongertogether #defenddemocracy #democracy #defensivedemocracy #banthegop
@TonyStark The "Republican" synonym for "deregulation" is "corruption".
"Line my pockets & I'll kill whatever rules you want killed!"
Nothing "grand" about Corrupticans.
#defenddemocracy #democracy #defensivedemocracy #banthegop
@Pepper Why wouldn't proposing the death penalty for women seeking abortion make "GOP" anti-life lawmakers reckless murderers?
#StandWithHumanity #StandWithFreedom #BanTheGOP #DefraudingAmerica
#standwithhumanity #standwithfreedom #banthegop #defraudingamerica