USA! USA! We're #1! 🤬
#GunControl #Guns #ItsTheGoddamnGuns #BanTheNRA #BanTheSecondAmendment #SanctityOfLiveMyAss
#iamdb #sanctityoflivemyass #banthesecondamendment #banthenra #itsthegoddamnguns #guns #guncontrol
The #NRA is a #Fascist Terror Organization, advocating for more American children to be killed.
#BanAssaultWeaponsNow #BanTheNRA #SaveDemocracy #SaveHumanity
#nra #fascist #banassaultweaponsnow #banthenra #savedemocracy #savehumanity
It’s my birthday & I’ll ask for the immediate national ban & collection of guns that have the potential to fire (or be adapted to fire) more than 6 rounds per minute if I want to.
Short of that, maybe we can have one fucking day without a mass shooting in America?
Under the category of "Sad but True" on #GunControl.
I caught a bit of a #MSNBC show today. They were in the middle of the topic of #gun #violence, school shootings, and how to make meaningful gun control happen. I forget who, but it was either a guest or the host that said something like, "maybe it will take the current generation of students that are going through school shootings to get to the voting age where they can make gun control happen."
Whomever it was, is someone generally thoughtful that I generally pay attention to. They weren't being foolish, or flippant, or dismissive. Just facing the sad reality of our multi-generational failure to address and solve a problem that only exists in the US.
We are at the "sad but true" point where we are so pathetic and weak as a nation that we are hoping that our children are able to solve the failures of their parents.
#guncontrol #msnbc #gun #violence #democrats #politics #banthenra #gop #republicans
Alas, as the #senatechaplin said: help our leaders out of their analysis paralysis
Seatbelts: ok
One shoe bomber: #tsa frisks you
That was then, this is now
#senatechaplin #banthenra #gunreform #saveourkids #tsa #howmanymore
The Monterey Park massacre is the 33rd mass shooting in the United States in 2023. And its still only January!!! #montereypark #massacre #guncontrol #banthenra
#montereypark #massacre #guncontrol #banthenra
@QasimRashid The fundamental flaw of today's corrupt interpretation of the 2nd Amendment:
It makes too many gun owners & firearm lovers too easily believe they were at war with their peaceful non-violent neighbors, who they wrongly suspect of pursuing the "final solution of the gun-owner issue!
#savelives #gunreduction #guncontrol #banthenra