Frohen #worldlionday noch alle zusammen, denkt immer daran Löwen sind auch Lebewesen und keine Trophäen also schießt nur mit der Kamera nicht mit dem Gewehr ! #bantrophyhunting 💚🦁
#bantrophyhunting #worldlionday
Purring for all animals to be safe from poaching and trophy hunters. #Purrs4Peace #BanTrophyHunting PurrpurrPurprurrPurrpurrPurrPurrpurrPurprurrPurrpurrPurrPurrpurrPurprurrPurrpurrPurrPurrpurrPurprurrPurrpurrPurrPurrpurrPurprurrPurrpurrPurrPurrpurrPurprurrPurrpurrPurrPurrpurr
#purrs4peace #bantrophyhunting
You can get trillions of shots with a camera. You get one with a gun
Purring for all animals to be safe from poaching and trophy hunters. #Purrs4Peace #BanTrophyHunting PurrpurrPurprurrPurrpurrPurrPurrpurrPurprurrPurrpurrPurrPurrpurrPurprurrPurrpurrPurrPurrpurrPurprurrPurrpurrPurrPurrpurrPurprurrPurrpurrPurrPurrpurrPurprurrPurrpurrPurrPurrpurr
#purrs4peace #bantrophyhunting
Who buys #lion bones? Inside #SouthAfrica ’s skeleton trade which is being fed by the #TrophyHunting industry. Don’t buy the “Kill to #Conserve” propaganda campaign
#protectourwildlife #bantrophyhunting #conserve #trophyhunting #southafrica #lion
Purring for all animals to be safe from poaching and trophy hunters. #Purrs4Peace #BanTrophyHunting PurrpurrPurprurrPurrpurrPurrPurrpurrPurprurrPurrpurrPurrPurrpurrPurprurrPurrpurrPurrPurrpurrPurprurrPurrpurrPurrPurrpurrPurprurrPurrpurrPurrPurrpurrPurprurrPurrpurrPurrPurrpurrPurr
#purrs4peace #bantrophyhunting
#GrizzlyBears are at risk of having their federal #EndangeredSpeciesAct (#ESA) protections removed in states like #Montana, #Idaho, and #Wyoming.
There are less than 2,000 grizzly bears in the lower 48 states, and removing #ESA protections would be detrimental to ensuring their recovery.
If federal protections are removed, it is likely that brutal trophy hunting tactics will become even more rampant.
#RestoreESA #BanTrophyHunting #ProtectOurWildlife
#protectourwildlife #bantrophyhunting #restoreesa #wyoming #idaho #montana #esa #endangeredspeciesact #grizzlybears
STOP violent trophy hunters from SLAUGHTERING bear cubs
#Petition #AnimalCruelty #StopAnimalAbuse #StopAnimalCruelty #animals #animal #AnimalRights #BanTrophyHunting
#petition #animalcruelty #stopanimalabuse #stopanimalcruelty #animals #animal #animalrights #bantrophyhunting
@anna_lillith There is, of course, a bit more to it than just supporting #BanTrophyHunting. I had sent a strongly worded response to a trophy hunt posting where I referred to the reported trophy hunting of humans on a private property in Venezuela and suggested these trophy hunters to volunteer as the hunted. It had struck me as peculiar to put it mildly that LinkedIn had no objection to the trophy hunt posting but objected vehemently to the hunters becoming the hunted. That's the story...
RT @angie_karan
Look how proud she is...😕 This innocent animal is gone! 🦒 💔 #BanTrophyHunting
@TSAguilar oh that's curious to hear. I honestly don't understand what is there to ban when speaking up against the killing of endangered animals. Thank you for your support to #BanTrophyHunting
@anna_lillith I got banned from LinkedIn for supporting #BanTrophyHunting. I trust I'm safe on #mastodon for supporting your posting.
The Hunters Fraternity wants to provoke us wildlife friends with these t-shirts. But that doesn't work.😉
This is my design suggestion:
Bloody boots wherever they go.”
#Elephants #Elefanten
#ILoveElephants I♥️🐘
#bloodlust #bantrophyhunting #elephants #elefanten #ElephantMastodon #ILoveElephants
Help me to #BanTrophyHunting in #SouthAfrica
Around 1.7 Million Trophies were traded between 2004 and 2014.
Of these Trophies, approximately 20,000 a Year were animals which have been classified as being threatened with #extinction.
44% of the traded #trophies were #BlackBears which tended to be hunted in Canada and the United States.
Mountain Zebras, Leopards, African Elephants, Chacma baboons, and lions were also among the most traded trophies in the world.
#blackBears #TROPHIES #extinction #southafrica #bantrophyhunting
If you shoot an 🐘Elephant,
use only your camera 📸...
Nothing else... !!!
#Elephants #Elefanten
#ILoveElephants I♥️🐘
#bantrophyhunting #elephants #elefanten #ElephantMastodon #ILoveElephants
#FollowFriday time! This week, I'm focusing on #ClimateJustice accounts! If you care about #MotherEarth, follow these accounts for timely news about actions, causes and current events!
"Western Watersheds Project is a non-profit environmental conservation group that works to influence and improve #PublicLands management throughout the western United States in order to protect #NativeSpecies and conserve and restore the habitats they depend on. Our primary focus is on the negative impacts of #LivestockGrazing, including harm to ecological, biological, cultural, historic, archeological, scenic resources, and wilderness values."
"Natural born Hippie, Ökofeministin, Spiritual Punk
"Lentil-crisp-based human, climate collapse Cassandra. London, England. Books, wilderness, gardening, rage against the 6th mass extinction."
"A regular #Nature lover who curates a daily feed of news about the #Environment & #ClimateChange.
"Doing my best to stay informed and raise awareness about environmental crises, climate breakdown, and the rapacious, murderous impact of greedy capitalists and the politicians they own."
"#MMIW #pigoneer #BanKillShelters #BanOctopusFarming #RelistWolves #EndAnimalAg #StopShell #HumanRights #FindNaaruAlive #plantbasedfuture #ActOnSahel #SaveOurSeas #SeeAnimalsAsIndividuals #ProtectOurWildlife #ReleaseIdrisKhattak #HaltTheHelicopters #SaveMollem #BanTrophyHunting #KeepItInTheGround #rewilding #SaveCongoRainforest"
#ClimateChange #ClimateCrisis
#followfriday #ClimateJustice #motherearth #publiclands #nativespecies #livestockgrazing #respectexistenceorexpectresistance #nature #environment #ClimateChange #mmiw #pigoneer #bankillshelters #banoctopusfarming #RelistWolves #endanimalag #stopshell #humanrights #findnaarualive #PlantBasedFuture #ActOnSahel #SaveOurSeas #seeanimalsasindividuals #protectourwildlife #releaseidriskhattak #haltthehelicopters #savemollem #bantrophyhunting #keepitintheground #rewilding #SaveCongoRainForest #ClimateCrisis
on the wall?
👿#HorrorCabinet 🗡
#Elephants #Elefanten
#ILoveElephants I♥️🐘
#horrorcabinet #bantrophyhunting #elephants #elefanten #ElephantMastodon #ILoveElephants
Hunters brag about fighting & paying for poaching.
Where is the proof of paying?
Which is worse, hunting or poaching?
Some hang their trophies on the living room wall.
The others sell the animal parts to Asia.
The result is the same:
🐘 DeaD is DeaD !
#Elephants #Elefanten
#ILoveElephants I♥️🐘
#bantrophyhunting #elephants #elefanten #ElephantMastodon #ILoveElephants
RT @ProtectWldlife
"I now pronounce you cunt & wife" ~ @rickygervais.
#BanTrophyHunting NOW!!
UK parliament passes law to ban import of hunting trophies
#AnimalCruelty #StopAnimalAbuse #StopAnimalCruelty #animals #animal #AnimalRights #BanTrophyHunting
#animalcruelty #stopanimalabuse #stopanimalcruelty #animals #animal #animalrights #bantrophyhunting