Marek McGann · @MarekMcGann
538 followers · 1413 posts · Server


" Difference is primary and underlies the process of mediation; mediation does not come to a table that is already fully dressed with stabilized objects. Mediation is a secondary elaboration of differentiation that composes new objects and new subjects by attempting to resolve one surface against another. As a process it partakes in the production of detail through its differential resolution."

#scale #barad

Last updated 1 year ago

Marek McGann · @MarekMcGann
538 followers · 1376 posts · Server


"the knowledge producer sees objects and can measure their scale, but this determination of scale is only enabled by the earlier disciplinary resolving cut that delimited the scale of
the inquiry (scaled) and thereby resolved particular assemblages or parts of assemblages as individuated objects."

#scale #sts #barad #cosmiczoom

Last updated 1 year ago

Evelien Geerts · @EGeertsPhD
73 followers · 14 posts · Server

@Aphrodite @politicaltheory @philosophy Cool - I’ve always found this interview with (who coined ) very useful: . The New Materialisms Almanac (bottom of the page) is also still very informative: .

#barad #agentialrealism

Last updated 2 years ago