Good news! Tranquility (my #BaraJam game with ruisselait) is now available on Google Play!
This is a more censored version than on itch, but it's native (and not sideloaded) rather than a web build
Thanks to Project Enso for making it happen! #TQGame
Now that #BaraJam and #NaNoWriMo are over, I'm back down to two projects:
🏳️🌈Afterward: A Gay Series (#AAGS) is a #KineticNovel sequel to #ZAGS (which itself is a sequel to #YAGS):
⚔️ZAGS: The Role We Play (#ZRWP) is a traditional #RPG also set in the YAGS universe:
AAGS is mostly waiting on CGs at this point (although I want to add another chapter about Twitter), but it's otherwise full steam ahead on ZRWP!
#barajam #nanowrimo #aags #kineticnovel #zags #yags #zrwp #rpg
Tranquility: Sunny Getaway, my #BaraJam game with ruisselait, is now available to play (and download) for free!
Check it out here:
You can donate on the game page for physical stickers, a PDF artbook, a walkthrough, and wallpapers
Also see ruisselait's patreon for an uncensored version:
And because I clearly don't know when to quit and always try to do too much, here's my current WIP projects (as of November 23):
🏳️🌈Afterward: A Gay Series (#AAGS) is a #KineticNovel sequel to #ZAGS (which itself is a sequel to #YAGS):
⚔️ZAGS: The Role We Play (#ZRWP) is a traditional #RPG also set in the YAGS universe:
🏖️#TQGame is a project for #BaraJam 2022 with Ruisselait: Coming Soon (since the jam ends November 30)
🤖#StormyFic is a series of #DetroitBecomeHuman fanfics, one of which is a #NaNoWriMo 2022 project:
#aags #kineticnovel #zags #yags #zrwp #rpg #tqgame #barajam #stormyfic #DetroitBecomeHuman #nanowrimo