Chores done. Back in bed for the afternoon with the second book in Barbara Hambly's Darwath series. I think we may be about to encounter a dragon #highfantasy #fantasy #barbarahambly
#barbarahambly #fantasy #highfantasy
Anyone know what's up with Barbara Hambly's new book The Iron Princess? I pre-ordered it and yesterday got a notification that it had been cancelled because it was out of stock. I checked Amazon and they also only seem to have the ebook version. I love Barbara Hambly's books and really want the physical edition.
Boosts appreciated since this is somewhat of a niche ask.
#fantasy #barbarahambly #bookstodon #theironprincess
For #WorldBookDay:
This is a marvellous murder mystery which makes the most of its very specific setting amid the backlots of Hollywood silent movies in the 1920s.
Pacey, colourful, wryly observed and buoyed by Hambly's meticulous attention to the little details that make places and people feel real.
I just picked up the sequel, One Extra Corpse.
#barbarahambly #murdermystery #bookreviews #books #worldbookday
Short #BookReviews: Tippecanoe and Murder, Too
#DeathAndHardCider #BenjaminJanuary
#bookreviews #barbarahambly #deathandhardcider #benjaminjanuary
Short #BookReviews: Tippecanoe and Murder, Too #BarbaraHambly #DeathAndHardCider #BenjaminJanuary
#bookreviews #barbarahambly #deathandhardcider #benjaminjanuary
I was so enthralled by my reread of #BarbaraHambly's Fever Season that I didn't hear the Uber Eats driver dropping off my souvlaki.
I have read this book MANY times, and I was sitting near the front door with the window open. That's how good it is. I am fascinated by New Orleans in the decades before the American Civil War. Thanks, Barbara Hambly, for writing the Benjamin January series. So I’ve found someone who provides some fascinating information. #creole #NewOrleans #BarbaraHambly #language
#creole #NewOrleans #barbarahambly #language
Reading for fun this morning.
#myhouseisalibrary #BooksofMastodon #barbarahambly #circleofthemoon
#myhouseisalibrary #BooksofMastodon #barbarahambly #circleofthemoon
#7BooksToKnowMe Childhood landmarks.
1) #DoctorWho and the Daleks (David Whitaker) - the differences to TV blew my mind
2) The Darwath Trilogy (#BarbaraHambly) - still a comfort author
3) #LOTR (Tolkien)
4) A Fall of Moondust (#ArthurCClarke) - disaster movie
5) The Ship Who Sang (#AnneMcCaffrey) - loved all her SF
6) The Belgeriad - David & Leigh Eddings - mixed feelings in hindsight but I loved it
7) #StarTrek II-IV (Vonda N McIntyre) - a masterclass in enriching a novelisation.
#StarTrek #annemccaffrey #arthurcclarke #lotr #barbarahambly #DoctorWho #7bookstoknowme
For some reason I had trouble getting into the Indigo series. I started the 1st one but didn’t finish.
Have you ever read anything by #BarbaraHambly ?
I really enjoyed The Silent Tower and The Silicon Mage. The main character is a programmer that gets pulled into a fantasy world. She and the mage she meets there are really interesting characters.