Barbara Stanwyck, filling in for columnist Mike Connelly, wrote an essay in April, 1954 extolling the talents of many of her colleagues in Hollywood.
“I'm grateful to a lot of stars for performances that thrilled me as a viewer, and, in due time, as a fellow worker. All have made me proud to have been admitted to the acting profession.”
She then goes on to discuss some details about many, starting with Walter Huston, finishing with “GARBO!”
#hollywood #barbarastanwyck #tcmparty #suts
Barbara Stanwyck, filling in for columnist Mike Connelly, wrote an essay in April, 1954 extolling the talents of many of her colleagues in Hollywood.
“I'm grateful to a lot of stars for performances that thrilled me as a viewer, and, in due time, as a fellow worker. All have made me proud to have been admitted to the acting profession.”
She then goes on to discuss some details about many, starting with Walter Huston, finishing with “GARBO!”
#hollywood #barbarastanwyck #tcmparty #suts
Barbara Stanwyck and Walter Huston star in Anthony Mann's western The Furies (1950), a slightly noirish nicely overheated psycho-sexual-emotional melodrama. Not a perfect film but fascinating and hugely enjoyable with Stanwyck and Huston in top form.
My review:
#classicmovie #classicmovies #goldenagehollywood #1950smovie #1950smovies #western #westerns #AnthonyMann #BarbaraStanwyck #WalterHuston
#classicmovie #classicmovies #goldenagehollywood #1950smovie #1950smovies #western #westerns #anthonymann #barbarastanwyck #walterhuston
Side-by-side illustrations of Barbara Stanwyck and Ida Lupino in the Brooklyn Citizen, May 2, 1936.
Stanwyck is starring in “A Message to Garcia” and Lupino in “One Rainy Afternoon”.
#Bales2023FilmChallenge June 25: Let's go camping on #NationalCampCountsDay
#JohnSturges' Jeopardy (1953) is a thrilling, reverse home invasion. The haunting photography (by Victor Milner), small, intense cast, short runtime and claustrophobic sets make for a very modern, economic #thriller. And #BarbaraStanwyck is the heroine we wouldn't see much of until decades later ☞
#bales2023filmchallenge #nationalcampcountsday #johnsturges #thriller #barbarastanwyck #film #cinema #filmastodon #cinemastodon
“I was born upset.”
Barbara Stanwyck in Forty Guns
#FortyGuns #BarbaraStanwyck #SamuelFuller #SamFuller
#moviequotes #moviequoteoftheday
#fortyguns #barbarastanwyck #samuelfuller #samfuller #moviequotes #moviequoteoftheday
This week in 1961— #BarbaraStanwyck won her first Emmy (for THE BARBARA STANWYCK SHOW).
Stanwyck hosted this NBC anthology series + starred in most episodes. 👑
#1960stv #classictv #oldhollywood #barbarastanwyck
I'm aware of a coronation and a horse race. What has me excited for Saturday is the return of #NoirAlley with a #BarbaraStanwyck movie I've never seen.
84 years ago:
Union Pacific (US)
One of the last bills signed by President Lincoln authorizes pushing the Union Pacific Railroad across the wilderness to California. But financial opportunist Asa Barrows hopes to profit from obstructing it. Chief troubleshooter Jeff Butler has his hands full fighting Barrows' agent, gambler Sid Cam...
#UnionPacific #CecilBDeMille #BarbaraStanwyck #JoelMcCrea #AkimTamiroff #AnneBauchens #WomenInFilm #Paramount
#UnionPacific #cecilbdemille #barbarastanwyck #joelmccrea #akimtamiroff #annebauchens #womeninfilm #paramount
80 years ago:
Lady of Burlesque (US)
After one member of their group is murdered, the performers at a burlesque house must work together to find out who the killer is before they strike again.
#LadyofBurlesque #WilliamAWellman #BarbaraStanwyck #IrisAdrian #CharlesDingle #ClassicFilm
#ladyofburlesque #williamawellman #barbarastanwyck #irisadrian #charlesdingle #classicfilm
91 years ago:
So Big! (US)
A farmer's widow takes on the land and her late husband's tempestuous son.
#SoBig #WilliamAWellman #BarbaraStanwyck #GeorgeBrent #BetteDavis #PreCode #ClassicFilm
#sobig #williamawellman #barbarastanwyck #georgebrent #bettedavis #precode #classicfilm
54 years ago today:
The Big Valley
S4E25: Flight from San Miguel
A woman asks Heath to convince her rebel Mexican husband to leave Mexico
Airdate: 1969-04-28
#TheBigValley #BarbaraStanwyck #RichardLong #ABC #tvshows
#thebigvalley #barbarastanwyck #richardlong #abc #tvshows
56 years ago today:
The Big Valley
S2E30: Cage of Eagles
Nick captures an eagle, and a dynamiter causes trouble at a Barkley mine.
Airdate: 1967-04-24
#TheBigValley #BarbaraStanwyck #RichardLong #BingRussell #ABC #TV
#thebigvalley #barbarastanwyck #richardlong #bingrussell #abc #tv
54 years ago today:
The Big Valley
S4E24: Danger Road
Victoria has Edward deliver her medical supplies to the indians
Airdate: 1969-04-21
#TheBigValley #BarbaraStanwyck #RichardLong #ABC #tvshows
#thebigvalley #barbarastanwyck #richardlong #abc #tvshows
56 years ago today:
The Big Valley
S2E29: Days of Grace
Heath is wrongfully arrested for attempted rape, and is helped by a nun who used to be his girlfriend.
Airdate: 1967-04-17
#TheBigValley #BarbaraStanwyck #RichardLong #KarenBlack #ABC #tvshows
#thebigvalley #barbarastanwyck #richardlong #karenblack #abc #tvshows
69 years ago:
Witness to Murder (US)
A woman fights to convince the police that she witnessed a murder while looking out her bedroom window.
#WitnesstoMurder #RoyRowland #BarbaraStanwyck #GeorgeSanders #GaryMerrill #UnitedArtists #Movies
#witnesstomurder #royrowland #barbarastanwyck #georgesanders #garymerrill #unitedartists #movies
81 years ago:
The Great Man's Lady (US)
In Hoyt City, a statue of founder Ethan Hoyt is dedicated, and 100 year old Hannah Sempler Hoyt (who lives in the last residence among skyscrapers) is at last persuaded to tell her story to a 'girl biographer'. Flashback: in 1848, teenage Hannah meets and flirts with pioneer Ethan; on a sudden impul...
#TheGreatMansLady #BarbaraStanwyck #JoelMcCrea #BrianDonlevy #Paramount #Western #ClassicMovies
#thegreatmanslady #barbarastanwyck #joelmccrea #briandonlevy #paramount #western #classicmovies
87 years ago:
A Message to Garcia (US)
A fiery Cuban woman guides an emissary from the U.S. president through the jungles of war-torn Cuba.
#AMessagetoGarcia #WallaceBeery #BarbaraStanwyck #AlanHale #20thCenturyPictures #Film
#amessagetogarcia #wallacebeery #barbarastanwyck #alanhale #20thcenturypictures #film
#DoubleIndemnity #BillyWilder #BarbaraStanwyck #Illustration #Design #Illustrator #NornCutson #Art #Artist #AYearForArt
#DigitalArt #ArtMatters #MixedMedia #MastoArt #MastoCreative #AVLArt #AVLArtists #AVLArts #BuyIntoArt #SpringIntoArt
#doubleindemnity #billywilder #barbarastanwyck #illustration #design #illustrator #NornCutson #art #artist #ayearforart #DigitalArt #ArtMatters #mixedmedia #MastoArt #mastocreative #avlart #avlartists #avlarts #BuyIntoArt #springintoart