Twitter refugee. I’m trying to figure out where to find the people, groups, and stuff I’m ineterested in. I was really confused about what Mastdon ‘server’ to choose for that very reason. Not sure I chose the right one. Things I’m interested in:
#introductions #wicca #pagan #esoteric #paranormal #art #camping #photography #neworleans #barbecueing #bees #nature #outdoorlife #communism #socialism #anarchist #progressivedem #classicrock #bassguitar
Twitter refugee. I’m trying to figure out where to find the people, groups, and stuff I’m ineterested in. I was really confused about what Mastdon ‘server’ to choose for that very reason. Not sure I chose the right one. Things I’m interested in:
#wicca #pagan #esoteric #paranormal #art #camping #photography #neworleans #barbecueing #bees #nature #outdoorlife #communism #socialism #anarchist #progressivedem #classicrock #bassguitar