"These traditions have been upheld since these haunts were opened during Milan’s booming economic decades, and both the owners and clientele have grown up honing their routines. 'It’s a different way of going into shops,' the photographer says."
Inside Milan's Taditional Barber Shops, Mid-Century Grooming Abides
https://www.anothermag.com/art-photography/9807/inside-milans-perfectly-preserved-1960s-and-70s-barbershops via "AnOther"
Photo: Stefan Giftthaler
#Milan #Barber #Barbers #BarberShop #BarberShops #Italy #Photography #StefanGiftthaler
#milan #barber #barbers #barbershop #barbershops #italy #photography #stefangiftthaler
Spotted in #NickFury c1966: "But me no buts." I've never heard an "X me no Xs" expression, but apparently it was a thing long ago (https://en.wikiquote.org/wiki/X_me_no_Xs#English). The only one that still seems to show up in #literature today to any degree outside of #Shakespeare quotes is the "but me no buts" version (https://books.google.com/ngrams/graph?content=but+me+no+buts%2Cprize+me+no+prizes%2Cgrace+me+no+grace%2Cuncle+me+no+uncle%2Cproud+me+no+prouds&year_start=1930&year_end=2019&corpus=28&smoothing=3).
Also... "tonsorial"? I've gotta wonder if this is a word that's actually heard in #barbershops.
#nickfury #literature #shakespeare #barbershops #marvel #comics #syntax #languagechange