Werner Abel hat in der
über den 90 Jahrestag des Weltkomitees gegen Krieg und Faschismus geschrieben. In der Willi und Henri eine entscheiden Rolle gespielt haben.


#munzenberg #barbusse #komintern #geschichte #arbeitergeschichte

Last updated 1 year ago

Ralph Brooker · @RalphBrooker
31 followers · 290 posts · Server mstdn.social

Article (GillesHeuré) about the controversial award of the 1919 to , « A L’ombre des jeunes filles en fleurs », published by then ), rather than to , « Les Croix de bois ». The award broke with a wartime tradition seeing the prize going to (R. Benjamin, , , ) and was seen as a trumping of the worker class by the effete , the class. Revenge for not winning in 1913, (brilliant).

#swannsway #salon #bourgeoisie #duhamel #malherbe #barbusse #soldiers #dorgeles #anciencombattant #nrf #proust #prixgoncourt

Last updated 2 years ago

Ralph Brooker · @RalphBrooker
46 followers · 442 posts · Server mstdn.social

Article (GillesHeuré) about the controversial award of the 1919 to , « A L’ombre des jeunes filles en fleurs », published by then ), rather than to , « Les Croix de bois ». The award broke with a wartime tradition seeing the prize going to (R. Benjamin, , , ) and was seen as a trumping of the worker class by the effete , the class. Revenge for not winning in 1913, (brilliant).

#swannsway #salon #bourgeoisie #duhamel #malherbe #barbusse #soldiers #dorgeles #anciencombattant #nrf #proust #prixgoncourt

Last updated 2 years ago