First steps at visualizing tables in a clear and (hopefully) beautiful way.
Get/edit the code here:
#DataScience #DataVisualization #Plotly #Barchart #Heatmap #Python
#datascience #datavisualization #plotly #barchart #heatmap #python
#bayern #barchart #temperature
Klimakatastrophe ist jetzt. #wakeup .
Und wenn ich an die Gewitterwand über Augsburg denke und an die Schulkinder die gerade heimfahren, wird mir ganz anders. Und die Häufigkeit wird zu nehmen und die Häufigkeit von noch katastrophaleren Wetterereignissen wird auch zu nehmen, überall auf der Welt.
Höre mich an wie Hiob. Gruselig.
#bayern #barchart #temperature #wakeup
In the modern data world, a data person often generates a graph/chart/plot that can tell a story to appeal to a great mass of the audience visually. The #barchart race comes into today’s #storytelling. In this article, I will cover an end-to-end tutorial on generating a bar chart race on #Databricks
Bar Chart Race:
#barchart #storytelling #databricks
Don't trust a bar chart that you haven't completely f*cked up yourself 😂😂😂
Just found out about this page and I'm laughing too much.
Thinking about using "why is this a bar chart?" as motto.
#dataviz #datascience #barchart
#30DayChartChallenge #30DCCNov22Reposts #Day3 - Topic: historical
Back to the Shakespeare data! I wanted to compare the length of his plays.
Tool: #rstats @rstats Data: kaggle users LiamLarsen, aodhan
Color-Scale: MetBrewer "Isfahan2"
Fonts: Niconne, Noto Sans (+Mono)
#datavis #dataviz #shakespeare #distribution #typography #monospace #barchart
#barchart #monospace #typography #distribution #shakespeare #dataviz #datavis #rstats #day3 #30DCCNov22Reposts #30DayChartChallenge
> Streamlit — The fastest way to build data apps in #Python
#python #web #nofrontend #graph #barchart #table #html5