#LaVuelta23 Dopo la scoppola di ieri, a Larra-Belagua show in fuga di Remco #Evenepoel che batte Romain #Bardet e Lennert #VanEetvelt. La classifica generale https://www.blogciclismo.it/2023/09/09/vuelta-a-espana-la-classifica-generale/ #Sport #Ciclismo #UnoSport #UnoCiclismo #Cycling
#lavuelta23 #evenepoel #bardet #vaneetvelt #sport #ciclismo #unosport #unociclismo #cycling
I'm very glad one of my favourite cyclists, Romain #Bardet, spoke out against taking the plane to transfer to the next stage in a grand tour, calling it "karma" that they had to land in Madrid and only reached their hotels late at night. 😍 He's right, such transfers don't belong in a GT (anymore). #LaVuelta #climatechange
#ClimateChange #lavuelta #bardet
Understanding #Bardet-Biedl renal phenotypes- human kidney disease in a dish for #ciliopathies- HipSci human healthy donors and rare disease, including 50 BBS patients- ambitious work from James Williams a PhD candidate
funded by BBS UK Charity in FIona Watt's lab at KCL! #ukcilia2023 /6
#ukcilia2023 #ciliopathies #bardet