The #bardic words of #Taliesin ring loud across the centuries giving us an opportunity to see through 'the other's' eyes and encouraging us to find our own voices.
Episode 118: When blackbirds learn to sing
#bardic #taliesin #poetry #nature #podcast #bard #amergin
If you're intrigued by the concept of a band styled in #bardic battledress & gold lycra, who have their own suitcase of forks, can fashion an over-sized papier-mâché #zebra head & are more adept with their instruments than a first glance would have you believe, why not check out #VanGosh's latest EP on #Bandcamp..
#bardic #zebra #vangosh #bandcamp
Latest #introduction post (🧵 threaded for history)
I am a #spinner and #weaver -- primarily drop spindles and #AndeanBackstrap weaving. I'm also an "Adjunct" over at #FU #FranquemontUniversity where I support the work of #AbbysYarns in Peru.
I've been part of #SCA #Caid through #textiles #medieval #reenactment and #bardic
I'm on hiatus from teaching #FCBD (formerly ATS) #bellydance where I coined #ThisBodyThisDay and #NoPressureNoShame
My Weaving Journey🧵 starts at
#introduction #spinner #weaver #AndeanBackstrap #FU #FranquemontUniversity #abbysyarns #SCA #Caid #textiles #medieval #reenactment #bardic #FCBD #Bellydance #ThisBodyThisDay #NoPressureNoShame
intro tag dump! will be edited in future to add more.
#scribal #sca #medieval #picts #ancientbritons #illuminatedmanuscript #bardic #bards #calligraphy #bogbodies #lingualatina #illumination and #uncial my beloved
my non-sca account is @smokes and there's politics, nonsense, and TMBG there mostly.
#uncial #illumination #lingualatina #bogbodies #calligraphy #bards #bardic #illuminatedmanuscript #ancientbritons #picts #medieval #sca #scribal
intro tag dump! will be edited in future to add more.
#scribal #sca #medieval #illuminatedmanuscript #bardic #bards
#remixolydian #calligraphy #theymightbegiants #tmbg #lofihiphop #TuxedoMask #chiptunes
#chiptunes #tuxedomask #lofihiphop #tmbg #theymightbegiants #calligraphy #remixolydian #bards #bardic #illuminatedmanuscript #medieval #sca #scribal
"To help make connections: name 5-7 things that interest you but aren't in your profile, as tags so they are searchable. Then boost this post or repeat its instructions so others know to do the same."
#scribal #sca #medieval #illuminatedmanuscript #bardic #bards
#remixolydian #calligraphy #theymightbegiants #tmbg #lofihiphop #TuxedoMask #chiptunes
#chiptunes #tuxedomask #lofihiphop #tmbg #theymightbegiants #calligraphy #remixolydian #bards #bardic #illuminatedmanuscript #medieval #sca #scribal
Better #introduction post (might as well thread them for history)
I am a #spinner and #weaver -- primarily drop spindles and #AndeanBackstrap weaving. I'm also an "Adjunct" over at #FU #FranquemontUniversity where I support the work of #AbbysYarns in Peru. I've been part of #SCA #Caid through #textiles #medieval #reenactment and #bardic performances. I'm on hiatus currently from teaching #FCBD (formerly ATS) #bellydance where I coined #ThisBodyThisDay and #NoPressureNoShame
#introduction #spinner #weaver #AndeanBackstrap #FU #FranquemontUniversity #abbysyarns #SCA #Caid #textiles #medieval #reenactment #bardic #FCBD #Bellydance #ThisBodyThisDay #NoPressureNoShame
Obligatory Intro: I'm a #spinner and #weaver -- primarily drop spindles and Andean Backstrap weaving. I'm also an "adjunct" over at #FU #FranquemontUniversity where I support the work of @abbysyarns in Peru. I've been part of #SCA #Caid doing a bit of #bardic and a teacher of #FCBD (formerly ATS) bellydance.
#spinner #weaver #FU #FranquemontUniversity #SCA #Caid #bardic #FCBD