Games for Music wiki / G4M · @gamesformusic
358 followers · 95 posts · Server

Four Bricks Tall is a account with .

Here is a collection of :)

All licensed as CC BY-NC-ND 2.0

#flickr #lego #photography #bards #creativecommons #legomusicians

Last updated 1 year ago

Trevor - The Vitruvian Meeple · @vitruvianmeeple
202 followers · 1425 posts · Server

Dammit, I never thought there'd be an idea that would make me actively *want* to play a bard again...

#dnd5e #filk #bards

Last updated 1 year ago

: The summer began with the (β€˜bright fire’ or β€˜lucky fire’) festival on May 1. `Beltane celebrates the start of summer, the crop and pasturing season. Although scholars are non-commital, many of us believe honors the ancient continental sun and healer God .`
Source: , the Order of , and

#folklorethursday #celtic #beltane #belenus #OBOD #bards #Ovates #druids

Last updated 1 year ago

Happy everyone! Yesterday was spent in celebration with sacred plants. I have touched grass and I hope you have too!

I'm planning on doing a creative content dump in the coming days, but in the meanwhile, I'm looking for other and who are cool that I'm a doing an art project on the unification of humans and machines via AI dedicated to

Terence McKenna was a major proponent of rave culture. Some people just gotta make some noise and get some attention! It's fine to recreate rave culture in your living room, so long as you can pay off your neighbours not to call the cops ;)

Overall, I'm a huge lover of art and nature.

#ostara #bards #poets #transhuman #TechnoPagan #dawnofthemachineelves #terencemckenna #springequinox #cernunnos #paganism #polytheism #IrishPagan #celticpagan #chaosmagick #discordian #DKMU #psychadelics

Last updated 2 years ago

RT @BardCumberland
Whilst we cannot say what a Druid actually wore, this is, nonetheless, a beautiful engraving.

There are tales however of Bards wearing a cloak of swan feathers.

An Arch Druid in his Judicial Habit by Charles Hamilton Smith

#FolkloreSunday #bards #druids

Last updated 2 years ago

Boduos · @N3m0
191 followers · 1380 posts · Server
Daniel M. Perez · @DanielMPerez
42 followers · 172 posts · Server

Talking about The Foragers Guild Guide to Troubadours!

June 21, 2023: Troubadours

#ttrpg #bards

Last updated 2 years ago

Boduos · @N3m0
192 followers · 1307 posts · Server
GrooveMD · @groovemd
55 followers · 912 posts · Server


πŸ€”πŸŒˆπŸ³οΈβ€πŸŒˆπŸŽΆ and basically everybody near my age should this search. Don't ask why. Don't tell either.

See, it's only a failed policy when one fails to well.

Or you could be in the community before you provide as directions.


Sit down, listen, and identify with?

Or use as HALT from 's early childhood?

#karaoke #bards #remember #federate #right #help #verbally #education #anyone #80s #bestwehad #katra

Last updated 2 years ago

mjfuhlhage · @mjfuhlhage
467 followers · 420 posts · Server

Question for who play : What character class is your department? Overall, communication feels like with as or .

#academics #dungeonsAndDragons #illusionists #journalists #bards #monks #academicchat #histodons

Last updated 2 years ago

Also in the library scene from a few sessions ago, I also got a nat fucking 20 on my investigation and found a former cultist's journal πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

#bards #dungeonsanddragons

Last updated 2 years ago

Today's session made our DM go "Jesus Christ, you guys are getting really lucky with your investigations and discovering information!" in defeat πŸ˜‚
All bc me, our party's bard, rolled a nat 20 and a +4 from guidance, so total roll was a 30 for investigation in the BBEG's base πŸ˜‚
And then I got an underling with charm person after a battle πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

#dungeonsanddragons #bards

Last updated 2 years ago

(Based on a thread with @capsaicin.)

It's time for a and -character , I think.

Hello. I am the Super Genius of Groove Mentalics Disambiguation Labs. Please call me GrooveMD.

Yes. It's time. I see it in your eyes. It's a matter of . We have that together, you and I. And trust is just the first step.

This is how trust works, obviously. You feel that trust too. And trust leads to . But! Confidence leads to -confidence.

And that's where other so called "master geniuses" inevitably screw it all up. They get over-confident and the next thing you know, everything is πŸŽ‡ exploding in midair πŸŽ‡, and nobody is mutually and spine-achingly getting off to anything ever again, let alone wildly hallucinating about their experiences via , and associations.

Which is why you should never trust anybody.

People don't know or won't admit what they really want.

I do. Or will.

You understand this. Like me.

Which is why I trust you! And you trust me! Q.E.D., bitches!

Everyone is happy. Or will be, within performance margins. Mental Disambiguation is an and a and a .

(I am equally adept at all three, of course.)(Plus, the tax write-offs are πŸŽ‡ amazing πŸŽ‡.)(NOTE TO SELF: check receipts on latest acquisitions.)

What could happen?


The possibilities are if I put your mind to it.

It's a match made in heaven, or its equivalent, with available, -the-shelf technologies and a little creativity. Various , cyclical , and frequencies all have a documented role as well. (NOTE TO SELF: pack 110-to-220V power converters in overhead luggage next time.)

And . Naturally!

(Or implanted, if you prefer.)

You ask: how does GrooveMD do it all? You ask: What's my secret to achieving with any I select, guiding their of choice lovingly and blankly to complete and unscaled heights of toe-clenching ? You ask, how can πŸŽ‡ all this πŸŽ‡ be for the taking at the mere pittance of naught but a stray glance plus shipping and handling? And how does it align with and ?

In answer, I publish and here for all to see. It is for the betterment of all within effective maximum range! Or anyone who catches my eye! Especially our Secretary of Education; really especially .

I love open source and I the members of the community I seek to subtly alter and control.

That's my secret. Love and consent. Heck, well even try trust if you think it'll help.

With love, that's the main thing. And exotic particle irradiation of the hypothalamus here ▢️ 🧠. Also, I cannot personally operate in the state of California, and that's all I'm going to say about that.

Wait, did I say "hypothalamus"? I meant "hippocampus". Hippo, not hypno. I mean of course , but. You know what I mean, don't confuse the two parts up.

πŸ¦›. Campus. ▢️ 🧠. (EDIT:corrected.)

Now let me let YOU in on my best SUCCESS secret yet!

It's Humility! Respect! Dedication! Adherence to method! Replicable, blank doe-eyes every πŸ‘ single 🫰 time ⌚ or my money back, guaranteed! Yes, mine.

At GrooveMD Labs, we don't take it on Faith: we know! Science Just Works. Which is why I love science. Marvelous, soft, vacant-eyed, middle gazing, cheerfully obedient science. Drifting, floaty, happy science...

Wait, did I say porn? I meant "science".

Screw it up for science! It'll probably work on whoever you point it at anyway!

And this is why GrooveMD will prevail. The world of dreams and ecstasy awaits! Made possible by wasps. YOUR wasps. And a healthy work-life balance. And a harem of strategically placed remote laser fembots.

(Consult the world map on page 3 of your handbook for more on that. If you can remember to. Then, I mean. At orientation. Don't look now, it won't work.)

Bottom line:

I am asking you to bring about a better world for all of us. Yes, I want you! I believe in you. GrooveMD can't wait to have you. In my ! We can work together.

We can. We will. I know it.

Together, I will prevail.


#farcical #in #introduction #trust #confidence #over #triggers #pattern #art #science #pleasure #everything #limitless #secular #humanist #off #gems #animations #light #love #perfect #mind #control #trance #fetishist #pronouns #psychic #surrender #arousal #karaoke #bards #experiments #results #society #her #respect #hypno #camp

Last updated 2 years ago

@capsaicin See? A class act all the way. Look at this! Betraying not a whisper. Class.

This is how trust works. And trust leads to confidence. Confidence leads to over-confidence .And that's where other master geniuses such as everyone who is not me screw it all up. They get over-confident and the next thing you know, everything is exploding in midair.

Which is why you should never trust anybody.

You understand this. Like me. Which is why I trust you! QED!

But I am not not like me! At GrooveMD Labs, I am the best at what we do! And how do I get Trilbys to do it all at my command? What's my secret to Ultimate Dominance and gratification for any to quiver and utterly surrender herself to me for, all for the taking at the mere pittance of naught but a stray glance, you ask? And how does it align with and ?

I can't tell you! It's a ! Except I'm publishing it here for all to see. I do open source and I respect the community I seek to subtly alter and control. I live the realities of what I indoctrinate others into believing they have always believed.

We do it with love at GrooveMD Labs. Love and consent. Heck, well even try trust if you think it'll help.

With love, that's the main thing. And exotic particle irradiation of the hypothalamus here ▢️ 🧠. Also, I cannot personally operate in the state of California, and that's all I'm going to say about that.

Wait, did I say "hypothalamus"? I meant "hippocampus". Hippo, not hypno. I mean of course , but. You know what I mean, don't confuse the two parts up.

πŸ¦›. Campus. ▢️ 🧠. (EDIT:corrected.)

But let me let YOU in on my best SUCCESS secret yet!

It's Humility! Respect! Dedication! Adherence to method! Replicable, blank doe-eyes every πŸ‘ single 🫰 time ⌚ or my money back, guaranteed! Yes, mine. Screw it up for science! It'll probably work on whoever you point it at anyway!

At GrooveMD Labs, we don't take it on Faith: we know! Science Just Works. Which is why I love science. Marvelous, soft, vacant-eyed, middle gazing, cheerfully obedient science. Drifting, floaty, happy science...

Wait, did I say porn? I meant "science".

And this is why GrooveMD will prevail. The world of dreams and ecstasy awaits! Made possible by wasps. YOUR wasps. And a healthy work-life balance. And a harem of strategically placed remote laser fembots.

Consult the world map on page 3 of your handbook for more on that. If you can remember to. Then, I mean. At orientation. Don't look now, it won't work.

Bottom line:

I am asking you to prevail with me. Yes, you! I believe in you. GrooveMD can't wait to have you. In my ! We can work together.

We can. I know it.

Together, I will prevail.


#trance #fetishist #karaoke #bards #secret #camp #hypno

Last updated 2 years ago

Cassia Carataca · @carataca
3 followers · 2 posts · Server

intro tag dump! will be edited in future to add more.

 and my beloved

my non-sca account is @smokes and there's politics, nonsense, and TMBG there mostly.

#uncial #illumination #lingualatina #bogbodies #calligraphy #bards #bardic #illuminatedmanuscript #ancientbritons #picts #medieval #sca #scribal

Last updated 2 years ago

Cassia Carataca · @carataca
1 followers · 1 posts · Server
misparse :D · @smokes
0 followers · 9 posts · Server

"To help make connections: name 5-7 things that interest you but aren't in your profile, as tags so they are searchable. Then boost this post or repeat its instructions so others know to do the same."

#chiptunes #tuxedomask #lofihiphop #tmbg #theymightbegiants #calligraphy #remixolydian #bards #bardic #illuminatedmanuscript #medieval #sca #scribal

Last updated 2 years ago


Prior to the Roman invasion of Albion (earliest known name for modern British Isles),Β communities would could come together in storytelling, dance, music, theatre, sport. Bards would lead the gatherings in legends, stories and song.

#folklorethursday #bards #druids

Last updated 2 years ago

Exilian · @Exilian
529 followers · 91 posts · Server

Fifth post (sorry, thank you for reading!) - we've got YouTube channels and they also have stuff on that might interest you!

Our TheExilianChannel ( has a lot of talks and panels from different events we've done (more on that in the next post), as well as community announcements and trailers for members' projects. From Paradox devs talking about history in CK3 to independent film director Kate Madison on her fantasy webseries Ren to @gonzohistory on Lovecraft and archaeology, we've got a fair number of interesting videos for you to watch.

Meanwhile on we have , , gaming comedy and other such bardic arts from our members and community projects over the years!

For this one, have @JubalBarca's Fallen London inspired audiodrama "Missives from a Fallen City":

#music #drama #bards #mastomusic

Last updated 2 years ago

Boduos · @N3m0
78 followers · 484 posts · Server