Back to my routine, back to #barefootRunning. My soles are happy.
#barefootrunning #barefoot #barefooter #malefeet
And of course I’d rather be a full-time #barefooter, but since geography and social acceptability don’t always allow that, I want to wear footwear that’s a) close enough to not wearing any, and b) so sexy it will make people want to put my toes in their mouths.
Das war am Sonntag Abend #barefoot #barefooter #Barfußgehen #HalleSaale
#barefoot #barefooter #barfußgehen #hallesaale
#barefoot #barefooter #noSocks #sockless #maleFeet #toughSoles #tattoos #tattooed #pierced #piercings #piercedCock #PrinceAlbert #armpits #pits #noDeodorant
#barefoot #barefooter #nosocks #sockless #malefeet #toughsoles #tattoos #tattooed #pierced #piercings #piercedcock #princealbert #armpits #pits #nodeodorant
#Barefoot at the bakery. The woman standing next to me remarks, "This is the best way to cool off here." My answer: "It's even nicer at the freezers of the discounters."
#barefuss #feet #foot #NoShoes #NoShoesNoProblem #barefooter
#barefoot #barefuss #feet #foot #noshoes #noshoesnoproblem #barefooter
Beautiful hike this morning ... now it's gray and wet again :ablobcatraindepressed:
#barefooter #barefeet #barefoothiking #hiking #outdoor #sunnymoments #grownupNOT
#barefooter #barefeet #barefoothiking #hiking #outdoor #sunnymoments #grownupnot
Hier ein neter Bericht über einen #Barfüßer in Nordhessen. Es geht, #barfuß zu leben. #barefoot #barefooter
#barefooter #barefoot #barfuß #barfußer
@feets I envy you for being a full time #barefooter. I have to wear shoes at work sometimes. In my free time I'm #barefoot all year round.
New leggings in the house .. arrived today, and i love em :blobcatrainbow:
#nonbinary #enby #leggings #barefeet #barefooter #barfoot #winterCamouflage
#nonbinary #enby #leggings #barefeet #barefooter #barfoot #wintercamouflage
Morning hike in the wine yards .. had an encounter with the largest snail i ever saw :blobcatuwu: :blobcatthinkOwO:
#barefooter #BarefootLife #barefoothiking #natue #outdoor #wineyards
#barefooter #barefootlife #barefoothiking #natue #outdoor #wineyards
Goood Morning beautiful humans :blobcatbounce:
As the weather is getting warmer (up to 13°C today), todays office outfit is a little bit on the less is more side :valid: . In case it gets to cold, i have a pair of knitted overknee legarwarmers with me.
Really short black jeans shorts combined with black 60 den nylon leggings cute black ankle warmers and a black tee with print.
I always wonder how i can hide my chubby thighs when standing 😜 .. (compared to the look when sitting on a chair) .. but i love it .. you know what they say .. thick thighs save lives ;o)
#barefeets #barefooting #barefootlife #barefoot #barefootlifestyle #barefooter #barefootliving #nonbinary #happy #relaxed #feet #barefeet #nylonleggings #nylon #legwarmers #leggings #enby
#barefeets #barefooting #barefootlife #barefoot #barefootlifestyle #barefooter #barefootliving #nonbinary #happy #relaxed #feet #barefeet #nylonleggings #nylon #legwarmers #leggings #enby
I’ve been thinking about a below-the-knee piece for several years, way before I got my half sleeve, and more recently—thanks to a kinky friend who’s like a devil on my shoulder—I decided I want it to extend all the way to the top of my foot. As in, pretty radically, to the whole surface, toes included. It’s a pretty huge step since I expose my feet so much, but the idea of sparking more conversations about my feet is a strong motivator.
#barefooter #malefootfetish #tattoos
This #barefoot walk post should be backdated to the school holidays, when I went to visit my family in Hastings.
I started with a few snaps at the water fountain. There’s a small flock of concrete sheep. I wondered what people thought of me posing on the sheep but as a #barefooter, you tend not to care what others think anyway.
I continued with my new hobby of the day: standing on the edge of fountains. Last one was in front of the public library and art gallery
#thebarefootlife #barefootishuman
#barefoot #barefooter #thebarefootlife #barefootishuman
Mid of the week office outfit :heart_nb:
Space Invaders tee, short pants, black cotton leggings, topped with black knit overknee legwarmers topped with normal legwarmers in light gray.
#barefeets #barefooting #barefootlife#barefootlifestyle #barefooter #barefootliving #nonbinary #feet #barefeet #cottonleggings #legwarmers #leggings #ootd #office #atWork #feet #officeoutfit #chubby #thunderthighs #thickthighssavelifes #spaceinvaders #8bit #nerdy #nerd
#barefeets #barefooting #BarefootLife #barefooter #barefootliving #nonbinary #feet #barefeet #cottonleggings #legwarmers #leggings #ootd #office #atWork #officeoutfit #chubby #thunderthighs #thickthighssavelifes #spaceinvaders #8bit #nerdy #nerd
Getting ready for the weekend .. driving to my girl after work and feeling sexy :heart_nb:
Finally found some nice big legwarmers for my chubby thighs and i need to wear them of course <3
#GenderNonConforming #barefeets #barefooting #barefootlife #barefootlifestyle #barefooter #barefootliving #nonbinary #feet #barefeet #legwarmers #feet #chubby #thunderthighs #thickthighssavelifes #feelingsexy #tgif
#gendernonconforming #barefeets #barefooting #BarefootLife #barefootlifestyle #barefooter #barefootliving #nonbinary #feet #barefeet #legwarmers #chubby #thunderthighs #thickthighssavelifes #feelingsexy #tgif
It´s Wednesday .. 50% done <3
Todays office outfit is 120den nylon leggings(getting cold outside) combined with layered legwarmers in 2 gray tones. Top is a very dark blue fleece pullover .. feeling good :o)
#barefeets #barefooting #barefootlife #barefoot #barefootlifestyle #barefooter #barefootliving #nonbinary #feet #barefeet #cottonleggings #legwarmers #leggings #ootd #office #atWork #feet #officeoutfit #chubby #thunderthighs #thickthighssavelifes
#barefeets #barefooting #BarefootLife #barefoot #barefootlifestyle #barefooter #barefootliving #nonbinary #feet #barefeet #cottonleggings #legwarmers #leggings #ootd #office #atWork #officeoutfit #chubby #thunderthighs #thickthighssavelifes
Good morning fellow dinosaurs .. felt like not wearing leggings today, but to be honest .. i already regret it. I am at work .. again raining outside and i miss my 2nd skin .. love the look though 😍
#barefeets #barefooting #barefootlife #barefoot #barefootlifestyle #barefooter #barefootliving #nonbinary #feet #barefeet #legwarmers #ootd #office #atWork #feet #officeoutfit #chubby #thunderthighs #thickthighssavelifes
#barefeets #barefooting #BarefootLife #barefoot #barefootlifestyle #barefooter #barefootliving #nonbinary #feet #barefeet #legwarmers #ootd #office #atWork #officeoutfit #chubby #thunderthighs #thickthighssavelifes
New week, new luck.
It's Monday, it's cold and i am at work since 6:15 .. want back in my cozy bed!
Todays office outfit is a little bit different.. well .. not generally, but i found nice camouflage leggings the other day and today it's the 1st time wearing a not solid color at work. Of course layered legwarmers are part of it <3
#barefeets #barefooting #barefootlife #barefoot #barefootlifestyle #barefooter #barefootliving #nonbinary #feet #leggings #legwarmers #ootd #office #atWork #feet
#barefeets #barefooting #BarefootLife #barefoot #barefootlifestyle #barefooter #barefootliving #nonbinary #feet #leggings #legwarmers #ootd #office #atWork
Nice morning walk .. 3°C and a little bit of fog .. nice :heart_nb:
#barefooting #barefootlife #barefootlifestyle #barefooter #barefootliving #legwarmers #leggings #nonbinary #whocares #happy #morning #goodmorning #fog #hiking
#barefooting #BarefootLife #barefootlifestyle #barefooter #barefootliving #legwarmers #leggings #nonbinary #whocares #happy #morning #goodmorning #fog #hiking
Nice morning walk .. 3°C and a little bit of fog .. nice :heart_nb:
#barefooting #barefootlife #barefootlifestyle #barefooter #barefootliving #legwarmers #leggings #nonbinary #whocares #happy #morning #goodmorning #fog #hiking
#barefooting #BarefootLife #barefootlifestyle #barefooter #barefootliving #legwarmers #leggings #nonbinary #whocares #happy #morning #goodmorning #fog #hiking