If you want to know about Atomic bomb, I recommend
“Barefoot Gen”.
Is it banned in any states in US I afraid?
Süddeutsche Zeitung: Hiroshimas Trauma
Year number one for a new stats wrap-up video. Looking back at my manga reading in 2022; giving me an excuse to talk about some of the series I haven't finished yet.
#FullmetalAlchemist #FruitsBasket #JiroTaniguchi #HowDoWeRelationship #BarefootGen #KyokoOkazaki #NagaKabi #BoysRunTheRiot #YamadaMurasaki
Video + transcripts https://literallygraphic.wordpress.com/2023/02/16/2022-manga-series-recap-and-stats-cc/
#fullmetalalchemist #fruitsbasket #jirotaniguchi #howdowerelationship #barefootgen #kyokookazaki #nagakabi #boysruntheriot #yamadamurasaki