I kinda wanna get into #barefootShoes but I also fear my city has too much broken glass on the streets for me to handle, if only there were anatomic shoes with thicker outsoles
#bikepacking #barefootshoes #yougotomyheadwind
Any #vivobarefoot shoe owners here?
I'm wondering - do you usually wear them with or without socks?
#vivobarefoot #vivobarefootshoes #barefootshoes
Yesterday's revenge for the July disaster was my longest #BikePacking ride of this year's #BarefootShoes project so far.
By and large no complaints. Very minor knee pain because I never did any saddle adjustment to compensate for the reduced stack height. That doesn't really show on shorter rides of 100-sth km.
What I really want know is a merger of the snug laced fit of my Xero Prio and the sturdy sole and breathability of the Vivobarefoot Primus Trail.
#bikepacking #barefootshoes #gravelbike
Don’t bring white shoes as your only pair when traveling. Had to ship these from The Netherlands (and pay crazy shipping fee) , since @vivobarefoot does not have local distributor in Guatemala.
#digitalnomadlife #vivobarefoot #barefootshoes
Ayer estrené por montaña mis nuevas Vivobarefoot Primus Trail III SG y he de decir que son otro nivel. Eso si, ya no están tan limpias como en estas fotos 🤣 #barefoot #barefootshoes
Me atrevo a decir que estás Lems Primal 2 son las zapatillas más cómodas que he tenido, incluso más cómodas que las Barebarics. #barefoot #barefootshoes
I retracted the platform pedal pins halfway for use with the #barefootShoes and I lost at least 6 pins. 😭 😡
#barefootshoes #gravelbike #BikeTooter
New personal #bikepacking with #barefootShoes speed record thanks to #tailwind and strategic #drafting. 😁
#bikepacking #barefootshoes #tailwind #drafting
Longest ride with the #barefootShoes yet. Pretty okay, fiddling into the best position is a bit clumsy with the pins. They left no visible damage so far, though, that's a big relieve.
Getting to 40 km/h with them and the luggage is a very cumbersome affair, send my regards to the grumpy dude on the carbon racer at the end. He probably still wonders how I managed to jump into his wheel. 😁 🥳
#barefootshoes #gravelbike #bikepacking
Longest ride with the #barefootShoes yet. Pretty okay, fiddling into the best position is a bit clumsy with the pins. They left no visible damage so far, though, that's a big relieve.
Getting to 40 km/h with them and the luggage is a very cumbersome affair, send my regards to the grumpy dude on the carbon racer at the end. He probably still wonders how I managed to jump into his wheel. 😁 🥳
If this isn’t a fediverse niche quest, I don‘t know what is: 🙃
I’m looking for platform(-ish) #pedal recommendations, available in the EU market, that work well with #BarefootShoes. My downhillers with pins are not bad but not exactly good either, I guess a solid surface would be better (pins or not remains to be seen). Intended use is medium tours in the 100-200 km non alpine distance range, tarmac and easy offroad.
Boosts appreciated.
#pedal #barefootshoes #fedibikes #BikeTooter #biketouring #bikepacking
Anya just made a big list of Best Barefoot Shoes, and it's a fun read if you dig that kind of thing. Her reviews come from a lot of testing, which I appreciate. My personal favorites are Wildlings and Lems. Wildlings are almost unbelievably light and much more durable than they seem like they should be. Lems are comfortable and great for the cold and wet winters where I live.
#barefootshoes #minimalistshoes #barefoot
Over the last few years, I’ve found that “barefoot” shoes are far more comfortable for my ageing knees, hamstrings, and achy hip than footwear with even a slight rise towards the heel or elevation generally. But sandals, sandals that do the same remain elusive - hiking sandals tend to have thickish soles, and many make a nod towards a heel, too. Dear fediverse, do you know a better sandal for me than I can find? I’m in Europe. #Barefoot #BarefootShoes #sandals
#barefoot #barefootshoes #sandals
Jedna z moich ulubionych tras biegowych została pokryta świeżym żwirem. Dobrze, że nie miałem dzisiaj na sobie bosych butów, bo byłoby ciężko.
(No dobra, wcale nie, biegłym obok drogi po trawie.)
#bieganie #cozaporanek #barefootshoes #bosebuty
Bought myself some new #barefootshoes.🤩
(picture 1)
In a local store.🙀
And without three weeks thinking about whether it is the right decision.🥲
So proud.🥳
My last pair was from #vivobarefoot and I wore them until there was a hole in one shoe sole. (picture 2)
So far I am very happy with them and look forward to walk them to pieces.
#barefoot #shoes #groundies #rainbow #followtherainbow #walking
#barefootshoes #vivobarefoot #barefoot #shoes #groundies #rainbow #followtherainbow #walking
Enjoying a cuppa after my first run for about 32 years. 😇I’m loving my new barefoot running shoes from Pure Step, they are so comfy and easy to rinse when they encounter a totally waterlogged field like they did today. 👣 And what better than to drink out of my ‘Just Because I Am Me, I Am Good Enough’ mug?? It’ll be a while before I do a marathon, but the first step I took today was absolutely good enough!
#barefootshoes #firstrun #justbecauseiamme #goodenough #singersongwriter #gettingfit
#gettingfit #singersongwriter #goodenough #justbecauseiamme #firstrun #barefootshoes
Recently got a new pair of shoes*
OMG are they comfy and well fitting. They're primarily for work which starts in a few weeks but I want to wear them all the time.
A tad expensive but I hope they will survive longer than the Xero shoes I had before (2 pairs, one free, because the soles started separating from the shoe.
#wildling #barefootshoes #shoes #minimalistshoes
Nuevas zapas a la colección barefoot #barefootshoes #belenka #barebarics
#barebarics #belenka #barefootshoes