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Don't you hate when your squad mates up and disappear?
#fat #fatfur #fatfur #fatfurs #dire #fortnite #fennix #obese #barelymobile #barely #mobile #squashed #squashing #gun #belly #gut #wolf #fox
#fat #fatfur #fatfurs #dire #fortnite #fennix #obese #barelymobile #barely #mobile #squashed #squashing #gun #belly #gut #wolf #fox
Almost is never
scant enough. Barely is less,
less than what we want
Barely probably.
Definitely not even.
Close the loop. Roger.
#smallpoems #mastoprompt #barely
I ventured out early needing only to
Turn on the taps that watered the
Livestock a hundred and forty head of
Sheep or so and the sweet and gentle
Donkey that protected them from the
Coyotes always looking for easy prey
Sun had barely crested
Gate was locked
Visibility of any sort
Impossible to the outside world I didn’t
Think twice about the way I was
only just yet almost not and
by narrowest of margins clothed
Simple and sparse Dorian always said it
Wasn’t so much I was a nudist
Whatever that defines but
Definitely a committed naturalist
Causing me to squint a bit long
And pointedly at the use of
The ‘c’ word until he explained he
Meant devoted knowing I
Already had the file
I wasn’t thinking any of this though
When, tanks filled and Brayheart
Done with rubadubs, I turned back
Toward the farmhouse and heard the
Engine of Darrell’s truck saw it
Crest over the hill headed
Right at me caught out in the open
Far from the protective cover of the barn
And the safety of abode
Wasn’t nothing I could do then
‘ceptin sashay on back
Best my dignity would allow
I never could live it down though
Every time I’d see John and Candy
They’d whoop and holler how Darrell
Still couldn’t stop talking about that
#MastoPrompt Thursday 26 January 2023
#SmallPoems #Poetry #MicroFiction #SmallStories
#MastoPrompt #barely #smallpoems #poetry #microfiction #smallstories
What if I loved only barely
But not in the modern sense?
What if I loved without adornment
Without pretense or disguise?
What if I were to be explicit
Uncovering all, completely open?
Without protection.
Lest I be guilty of impropriety
Lest I be deemed obscene
Lest I be vulnerable
I must today love only barely
Meaning nearly not at all.
What I loved only barely
But not in the modern sense?
What if I loved without adornment
Without pretense or disguise?
What if I were to be explicit
Uncovering all, completely open?
Without protection.
Lest I be guilty of impropriety
Lest I be deemed obscene
Lest I be vulnerable
I must today love only barely
Meaning nearly not at all.
𝐏𝐚𝐧𝐝𝐞𝐦𝐢𝐜 𝐁𝐨𝐝𝐲
Being #barely touched for three years
Your dreams are filled yet without sensory
Input. A life bare of sense memories
Strong enough to translate into unconscious
Awareness. Shaved down to an interior
Space that’s less than, where you’re
Disconnected, decoupled from todays
Forgotten by your self, unable to imagine
Yourself in relation to the air that surrounds you.
#smallpoems #COVID19 #poetry #MastoPrompt #barely
I almost can't bring myself
To use barely in a sentence. It
Smacks of a desperate writer
Caught between purple prose and
Something approaching reasonable
Writing, someone so bound to
Adjective and adverb-laden language
A normal sentence is almost
Beyond aspiration or skill.
Give me something to get my teeth
Into, a narrative without overused
Short cuts, and I'll read it, and
Perhaps write it. Barely doesn't
Cut it.
#Barely holding on
Fingertips losing purchase
Falling forever
#Haiku #Poetry #smallpoems #MastoPrompt #barely
Camp at creek
Sound barely heard
Hunting Owl
It's one of the pleasures of camping without a tent, laying and listening and looking. Will I see bats? Will I hear an owl? Maybe I will wake up & see a shooting star. There is no script to what you will see #Haibun
#WOTDHaikuPrompt #strigiform pertaining to #owls
#575Prompt: @aethelshane Script
#MastoPrompt: #barely
#DailyHaikuPrompt #Creek
#Haiku #Senyru #FreeHaiku #Poetry #Poem #SmallPoem
#SmallStories #Camping #Night
#haibun #wotdhaikuprompt #strigiform #575prompt #MastoPrompt #barely #dailyhaikuprompt #creek #haiku #senyru #freehaiku #poetry #poem #smallpoem #smallstories #camping #night #photography #マストドン写真部 #写真 #owls
#Mastoprompt #barely (concept) #WIP #HiramFalls
Tim Bergeron, 29, one of the first Hiram Falls residents to go to war in 1917, and the last to return in 1919, spent most of his time on the front as a cannoneer. One day in late October, his unit faces each other and passes the 18-pound shell down the line to Bergeron who lowers it carefully into the cannon. Just as he does that, just as he is about to close the breech, an enemy shell comes in and takes out every member of his unit. Except him.
#HiramFalls #wip #barely #MastoPrompt
Some days, you rise early
You give 125% in all you do
And your day ends with a feeling of accomplishment
Because you know you did your best.
Other days, you struggle to rise
And when you do, auto-pilot kicks in
You can't remember everything you did
And you go to bed feeling ashamed.
Every day can't be a shining moment,
Somedays, you only need to survive, just
Skeleton Flowers
Spring raindrops fall
Plump petals flatten
Into barely there lines
Flowers of glass
Glistening shards
Around a yellow crown
Skeleton Flowers
Showing their perfect
Beauty in the spring rain
#MastoPrompt #Barely #Poetry #Flowers #SkeletonFlowers
Photography by My Beautiful Things
#MastoPrompt #barely #poetry #flowers #skeletonflowers
we show such care
to those we love
yet treat our hearts
with such disdain
and wonder why
we're barely
holding on
Bear not the weight of paragon
And seek the perfect square-
For a barely finished canvas,
Is anything but bare-
And with enough odd rectangles,
Or nameless polygons-
Together they'll form a shape,
That which equally belongs.
#poetry #smallpoems #barely #MastoPrompt