Baroness Mone's £20million London home owned by offshore firms linked to tax avoidance - The Mirror #mone #michellemone #baronessmone #taxavoidance
#mone #michellemone #baronessmone #taxavoidance
Morten Morland
#BaronessMone #JohnsonSleaze #FixedPenalty #ZahawiTaxes #TorySleaze #Integrity #13YearsToryMisrule
#13yearstorymisrule #integrity #TorySleaze #zahawitaxes #fixedpenalty #johnsonsleaze #baronessmone
Thursday saw a day of national strikes in France in protest at the govt attempting to raise the pension age from 62 to 64. The state pension in France is €41,136 annually, equivalent to £36,065. In the UK you work till you're 67 for £9627.
#BaronessMone #TaxEvasion #NadhimZahawi
#1950'sWomen #WASPI #Pension #PensionerPoverty
#baronessmone #taxevasion #NadhimZahawi #Waspi #pension #PensionerPoverty
Cold War Steve
#ToryMisrule #HMRC #TaxesAreForLittlePeople #ReesMogg #Sunak #BaronessMone #ZahawiTaxes #GeneralElectionNow
#GeneralElectionNOW #zahawitaxes #baronessmone #Sunak #ReesMogg #taxesareforlittlepeople #HMRC #torymisrule
Cold War Steve
#Sunak #BaronessMone #PPEMedPro #PPEScams #Sunak
#ppescams #ppemedpro #baronessmone #Sunak
“We do not comment on matters that are the subject of ongoing legal proceedings” says the Department of Health’s spokesperson, on the news that they’re suing PPE Medpro for breach of contract
How convenient - should keep things quiet until after a General Election
#viplane #baronessmone #ppemedpro #ukpolitics
Chris Riddell on #RishiSunak and the ghosts of Christmas past, present and future #Strikes #BaronessMone – political cartoon gallery in London
#RishiSunak #strikes #baronessmone
Rishi Sunak and the ghosts of Christmas past, present and future
#12YearsToryMisrule #PPEScams #PPEMedPro #ToryGreed #BaronessMone #Austerity #Strikes
#strikes #austerity #baronessmone #ToryGreed #ppemedpro #ppescams #12yearstorymisrule
Chris Riddell on #RishiSunak and the ghosts of Christmas past, present and future #Strikes #BaronessMone – political cartoon gallery in London
#rishisunak #strikes #baronessmone
So, what exactly is this #PPEMedpro & #BaronessMone thing all about?
This video by the excellent #ledbydonkeys will get you up to speed.
Please, remove any throwable items from within your reach & maybe pop the kids upstairs while you watch this. You don't want them saying "Mum, Dad... What does "Thieving, Tory Bitch" mean?
#ppemedpro #baronessmone #ledbydonkeys #torylyingtraitorsout #torycorruptparty
Peter Brookes
#Macron #FiFAWorldCup #HarryAndMeghan #Netflix #BaronessMone #PPEScams
#ppescams #baronessmone #Netflix #HarryAndMeghan #FIFAWorldCup #Macron
Peter Brookes on #EmmanuelMacron #BaronessMone #FIFAWorldCup2022 #HarryandMeganNetflix – political cartoon gallery in London
#emmanuelmacron #baronessmone #fifaworldcup2022 #harryandmegannetflix
Peter Brookes on #EmmanuelMacron #BaronessMone #FIFAWorldCup2022 #HarryandMeganNetflix – political cartoon gallery in London
#EmmanuelMacron #baronessmone #FifaWorldCup2022 #HarryandMeganNetflix
One of the things that stands out about this unfurling scandal is PPE Medpro's 50% profit margin. That's enough to put Apple to shame . #BaronessMone.
Seamus Jennings
#ToryCorruption #PPEScams #PPEMedPro #BaronessMone
#baronessmone #ppemedpro #ppescams #ToryCorruption
Guy Venables
#BaronessMone #PPEScams #PPEMedPro #ToryCorruption #ToryGreed
#ToryGreed #ToryCorruption #ppemedpro #ppescams #baronessmone
#ppemedpro #ppescams #ToryCorruption #ToryGreed #shocked #baronessmone #Sunak
#ToryCorruption #ToryGreed #ppemedpro #ppescams #shocked #baronessmone #Sunak
Dave Brown
#PPEScams #PPEMedPro #ToryGreed #BaronessMone #Gove #Hancock
#Hancock #gove #baronessmone #ToryGreed #ppemedpro #ppescams