So, Youtube's algorithm recommended me excerpts from a show called Bar Rescue... where a guy and his team resurrect drinking spaces in trouble.
I don't drink, but I appreciate the mixology teaching bits... Amazing knowledge sharing that one is.
TV TONIGHT (June 11)
#TonyAwards #ArianaDeBose #AlexVsAmerica #WildFish #BarRescue #GhostsOfBeirut #KillerCouples #FrenchOpen #RolandGarros #RHOA #ThePregnancyScheme #FearTWD #YellowstoneWardens #MostWantedTreasures #TheCube #TheLazarusProject #TheIdol
#theidol #TheLazarusProject #thecube #mostwantedtreasures #yellowstonewardens #FearTWD #thepregnancyscheme #RHOA #rolandgarros #FrenchOpen #killercouples #ghostsofbeirut #barrescue #wildfish #alexvsamerica #ArianaDeBose #tonyawards
@GreatestTrek I had never *heard* of #BarRescue before the Boys started barking “Shut it down!!!” over royalty-free hard rock in their pods.
This ep was a delight to watch and then view the pod. I hope the Boys park their star trailer outside the Palace, saunter in, and order a couple Pomaghzi so we can get a #FactorySeconds style follow-up pod sometime soon.
TV TONIGHT (April 30)
#FatalAttraction #TomJones #StoneColdTakesOnAmerica #NakedAndAfraid #SearchingForMexico #MostWantedTreasures #AmericanIdol #CatchingLightning #Succession #Ride #LuckyHank #AlexVsAmerica #TheSimpsons #TheBlacklist #BarRescue
#barrescue #TheBlacklist #thesimpsons #alexvsamerica #luckyhank #ride #succession #catchinglightning #americanidol #mostwantedtreasures #searchingformexico #nakedandafraid #stonecoldtakesonamerica #TomJones #fatalattraction
I don't watch much reality TV but i unabashedly love #BarRescue. I'm here for Jon Taffer to reem bad bar owners and the uplifting moments when he helps the genuinely good people. I wish i had a failing bar so he could help me out too!
#newvideo Today's Booze News: Brewers Joke Backfires, Bar Rescue Bourbon, & Perfectly Prepped Martinis #boozenews #kolsch #AprilFools #BarRescue #jontaffer #greygoose #martini
#newvideo #boozenews #kolsch #aprilfools #barrescue #jontaffer #greygoose #martini
Did anyone ask those bars if they even wanted to be rescued?