@MiaWinter depends.
#NSAbook :facebook: and other shitsites like :birdsite: :twitter: are only considered verification options.
Repos like :github: & :gitlab: are cool, but that's just my take.
Personal websites are awesome espechally when #barrierfree and #narrowband-optimized as well as free of #JavaScript, #Cookies and #Trackers:...
#trackers #Cookies #JavaScript #narrowband #barrierfree #NSAbook
@chrisstein #barrierfree image description: A b/w shot of Debbie Harry, a blonde woman with sunglasses, wearing a jeans jacket, the chin resting in one hand, the elbow on the table, sitting at a coffee table in a kind of market mall. On the right hand a sparsely populated aisle with several closed wooden cottages, the aisle covered by a tent roof. #alttext #ALT4you #inclusion #visuallyimpaired
#barrierfree #alttext #alt4you #inclusion #visuallyimpaired
RT @OlKubrakov@twitter.com
Thanks @ZelenskaUA@twitter.com for presenting the Album w/ “barrier-free” solutions. The 🗝️ goal oh the #BarrierFree project is ensuring accessibility of all buildings, transport infrastructure for people, regardless of age&health status. We’ll make sure all developers use a generic design.
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/OlKubrakov/status/1618299744870367233
In #Giappone, nel quartiere #Nihonbashi, è attivo da un anno il bar "#barrierfree" assoluto. Il #DawnCafé ha menù appositi, bagni con strumenti medici, è accessibile con sedia a rotelle e gestito da staff robot in telepresenza da #camerieri disabili
#giappone #Nihonbashi #barrierfree #dawncafe #camerieri
Today is #InternationalDayofPersonsWithDisabilities. Let's take a hot minute to think about what a #BarrierFree #Winnipeg might look like. #sidewalkClearing b4 roads. Not having to use a #FreightElevator to enter a bar. Not having to think about how to enter a bar. Or a condo. #HavingAccessToPublicTransportation on the same schedule as everyone else. #LetsDream and then make it #Reality
#reality #letsdream #havingaccesstopublictransportation #freightelevator #sidewalkclearing #winnipeg #barrierfree #internationaldayofpersonswithdisabilities
A little request to my growing follows: It's important to post #barrierfree as possible. Totally understandable and important. So I got a question about picture description. At german Instagram it's common to set a "B!" in the end of the text to sign a prepared #picture #description. How about here on Mastodon? Is there a common symbol or short sign - or just do and the reader tools find their way? We all got a way to learn and to make it better - so I asking you as part of the community.
#barrierfree #picture #description
From 04 Sep: Ajit Pai touted false broadband data despite clear signs it wasn’t accurate - Enlarge / FCC Chairman Ajit Pai and FCC Commissioner Jessica Rosenworcel at a Senate Commerce Com... https://arstechnica.com/tech-policy/2020/09/ajit-pai-touted-false-broadband-data-despite-clear-signs-it-wasnt-accurate/ #ajit-pai #barrierfree #fcc #policy
#policy #fcc #barrierfree #ajit