The Barrington (Free) Presbyterian Church dates to 1935, but was sold as a private dwelling in 2016 #midnorthcoast #nsw #barrington #bentsabout #latergram
#midnorthcoast #nsw #barrington #bentsabout #latergram
Latest satellite heat detection data (dark red) shows #BarringtonLakeFire in #NovaScotia might be burning to water’s edge to the east in a couple of places.
#BarringtonLake #Barrington
Note also the heat detections to the west for a different fire.
If you zoom in then you can see heat detection symbols over water. Good reminder that (1) each heat detection symbol refers to an *area* and (2) sometimes the data is 'false positive'.
Open #GISsurfer map:,-65.532074&zoom=11&basemap=Canada_Toporama&overlay=CA_fire_perimeter,MODIS_7_day,VIIRS_7_day,CA_M3_hotspots_last_24_hours,World_transportation&txtfile=
#barringtonlakefire #novascotia #barringtonlake #barrington #gissurfer
This map shows smoke pouring off the #BarringtonLakeFire in #NovaScotia. This view was captured by one of the MODIS satellites. #BarringtonLake #Barrington
Open #GISsurfer map:,-65.618591&zoom=9&basemap=MODIS_Terra_color&overlay=CA_fire_perimeter,CA_province_boundary_blue,MODIS_7_day,VIIRS_7_day,CA_M3_hotspots_last_24_hours,World_transportation&txtfile=
#barringtonlakefire #novascotia #barringtonlake #barrington #gissurfer
Here is a version of the Canada #wildfire map I produce that is centered at the #BarringtonLakeFire in #NovaScotia. The map displays the ‘M3’ hotspot data and perimeter.
The ‘GOES East’ basemap (zoom out) shows the wind is currently out of the north.
The map has other GIS overlay layers you can turn on including MODIS and VIIRS heat detections. For help, see the “Map tips” link in the upper left corner.
#Barrington #BarringtonLake
Open #GISsurfer map:,-65.471649&zoom=12&basemap=Canada_Toporama&overlay=CA_M3_hotspots_last_24_hours,CA_fire_perimeter,CA_province_boundary_blue&txtfile=
#Wildfire #barringtonlakefire #novascotia #barrington #barringtonlake #gissurfer
Here is a version of the Canada #wildfire map I produce that is centered at the #BarringtonLakeFire in #NovaScotia.
The ‘GOES East’ basemap (zoom out) shows the wind out of the north.
The map has other GIS overlay layers you can turn on including MODIS and VIIRS heat detections. For help, see the “Map tips” link in the upper left corner.
#Barrington #BarringtonLake
Open #GISsurfer map:,-65.471649&zoom=12&basemap=Canada_Toporama&overlay=CA_M3_hotspots_last_24_hours ,CA_fire_perimeter,CA_province_boundary_blue&txtfile=
#Wildfire #barringtonlakefire #novascotia #barrington #barringtonlake #gissurfer
#England, Streik der Lehrer*innen in #London und #Barrington gegen die Privatisierung der Schulen und die Kürzung der Bildungsbudgets.
#England, teachers' strike in #London and #Barrington against school privatisation and education budget cuts.
#england #london #barrington #taglicher_widerstand #dailyresistance
House #demolition in #Halifax at the corner of #Barrington and #South streets. #blackandwhitephotography #architecture #construction #wood #traditional #house #plaster #history #historic #photography #house
#demolition #Halifax #barrington #south #blackandwhitephotography #architecture #construction #wood #traditional #house #plaster #history #historic #photography
“…a student had received a message via social media, from a person unknown to her; the message stated there would be a shooting at the Barrington Municipal High School at a future date.”
Barrington RCMP is investigating a threat to the Barrington Municipal High School on Oak Park Rd. in #Barrington.
Δεν υπάρχει ούτε ένας γνωστός μου, διπλά και τριπλά νοσούντας από την #covid19 που να ΜΗΝ έχει κολλήσει μια άλλη ίωση και να μην μπορεί να την ξεπεράσει , είτε την ίωση, είτε τα συμπτώματα αυτής, με τα ελάχιστα που θυμάμαι να μου αναφέρουν να είναι πονοκεφαλοι καταρροή χωρίς γεύση και όσφρηση αλλά αυτό που δε παραλείπει κανένας να μου λέει, είναι η μυική ατονία και το να μην έχουν "όρεξη " για να κάνουν κάποια δραστηριότητα. Κι εάν την κάνουν την κάνουν με αργές κινήσεις και βαριεστημένα.
Ειλικρινά το #LongCovid το βλέπω μπροστά μου καθημερινά να διαλύει τα ανοσοποιητικά συστήματα των ανθρώπων και να τους εχει καταστήσει ανήμπορους για πολλα πράγματατης ζωής τους. Την ίδια ώρα ακούω τη κρατική ψεκκα, που ωθεί τον κόσμο στο να κολλήσει υποχρεωτικά, έχοντας υιοθετήσει όλη τη ψεκκα των ακροδεξιών the Great #Barrington declaration , κρύβοντας όλα αυτά πίσω από τη φράση " να ζήσουμε με τον ιό " . Είναι τέτοια η ψέκκα του Γκικα και της επιστροπής ψεκκο-γνωμόνων ,που αφήνουν το λαό σε έναν νευροεκφυλιστικό, καταστροφεα των ανοσοποιητικων συστημάτων των ανθρώπων, ιό.
#wearAMask #3MAura get #vaccinated every 4 months, buy #HEPA ventilators, keep distances in open spaces, get away from #antivaxxers
#COVID19 #LongCovid #barrington #WearAMask #3maura #vaccinated #hepa #antivaxxers
South Lake Dr in #Barrington blocked by downed tree
Coastal flooding in #Barrington #TurnAroundDontDrown
#barrington #turnarounddontdrown
Facing West - Views of the Barrington River (Kiack Brook) in the historic district of Barrington.
The #Barrington Woolen Mill is a member of the Nova Scotia Museum family and is one of four museums that make up the Barrington Museum Complex, operated by the Cape Sable Historical Society. We are located in Mi’kma’ki, the ancestral and unceded territory of the Mi’Kmaq people.,-65.5784953,101m/data=!3m1!1e3!4m5!3m4!1s0x4b5683cdb133127f:0x9ea77be8fbe73e7!8m2!3d43.5679476!4d-65.578131
Nice view too!
#CapeSable #Historical #Mill #Museum #Webcams #WAYCTV
#barrington #capesable #historical #mill #museum #webcams #WAYCTV
About as interesting as interesting gets #covid #who #koch #barrington
Went to press a leaf in an Ansel Adams book and forgot I had one in there already. I remembered that years ago I found a #KentuckyYellowWood #Cladrastis_kentukea growing quite unexpectedly in a nature preserve in #Barrington #RhodeIsland — I’ll have to remember to investigate this further! This #Tree species is not commonly cultivated in the area and I’ve never heard of escapees before.
Edit: I forgot to describe the image! It’s a compound leaf with 8 rounded leaflets, the last being largest.
#kentuckyyellowwood #cladrastis_kentukea #barrington #RhodeIsland #tree
#FauciEmails L'ex Dir #NIH Francis #Collins a Tony #Fauci...c'è bisogno di una rapida e devastante rimozione delle premesse della Dichiarazione di Great #Barrington firmata da 3 scienziati definiti "marginali" Stanford,Oxford e Harvard e co-firmata dal premio Nobel chimica Mike #Leavitt...(2020)
#Leavitt #barrington #fauci #collins #nih #fauciemails
Warum ist es so schwer, die Verursachers der sogenannten #Barrington Erklärung dort einzuordnen, wo sie herkommen, neoliberalen, extremistischen Zirkeln der U.S.?
#COVID19 #herdenimmunität #badscience #barrington