An adult male Superb Fairy Wren perched on a tent guy-rope - seems to be the right place. Taken at Gloucester River camp ground in Barrington Tops NP, NSW Australia. #birdsOfMastodon #birds #naturephotography #BarringtonTopsNP #NSW #Australia #SuperbFairyWren
#birdsofmastodon #birds #naturephotography #barringtontopsnp #nsw #australia #superbfairywren
A Pied Currawong keeps a watchful eye on the human - maybe it has food? Taken at Barrington Tops NP NSW Australia. #birdsOfMastodon #birds #naturephotography #BarringtonTopsNP #NSW #Australia #PiedCurrawong
#birdsofmastodon #birds #naturephotography #barringtontopsnp #nsw #australia #PiedCurrawong
How many Kookaburras can fit on this branch? The answer is four. Photo taken in Barrington Tops NP NSW Australia. #birdsOfMastodon #birds #naturephotography #BarringtonTopsNP #NSW #Australia #kookaburra
#birdsofmastodon #birds #naturephotography #barringtontopsnp #nsw #australia #kookaburra