Today, June 15, 1773, Irish rake and fortune-hunter Redmond Barry marries the wealthy countess of Lyndon, after which he assumes the style and title of Barry Lyndon (Barry Lyndon, 1975)
#Film #Movies #Cinemastodon #Letterboxd #Kubrick #StanleyKubrick #BarryLyndon
#film #movies #cinemastodon #letterboxd #kubrick #stanleykubrick #barrylyndon
Today, June 15, 1773, Irish rake and fortune-hunter Redmond Barry marries the wealthy countess of Lyndon, after which he assumes the style and title of Barry Lyndon (Barry Lyndon, 1975)
#Film #Movies #Cinemastodon #Letterboxd #Kubrick #StanleyKubrick #BarryLyndon
#film #movies #cinemastodon #letterboxd #kubrick #stanleykubrick #barrylyndon
Buon compleanno Ryan O'Neal, all’anagrafe Charles Patrick Ryan O'Neal (Los Angeles, 20 aprile 1941), indimenticabile Barry Lyndon nell'omonimo film di Stanley Kubrick.
#20aprile #accaddeoggi #ryanoneal #barrylyndon #lovestory #kubrick #cinema #film #movie
#20aprile #accaddeoggi #ryanoneal #barrylyndon #lovestory #kubrick #cinema #film #movie
#BarryLyndon es un museo impreso en celuloide; el empeño de #StanelyKubrick por convertir la novela de desventuras de #WilliamMakeapaceThackeray en un conjunto de "tableau vivant", con una de las direcciones de fotografía naturalistas más magníficas del cine, en la que el zoom juega un papel primordial para introducir y sacar al espectador de la historia de un crápula con aspiraciones de ser un gran señor.
#CineMastodon #Cine #CineDrama #CineOscar #Literatura #CineHistorico
#cinehistorico #literatura #cineoscar #cinedrama #cine #cinemastodon #williammakeapacethackeray #stanelykubrick #barrylyndon
Cosa è la bellezza?
Cosa è l'arte?
Ecco cos'è.
#mastocinema #redmondbarry #barrylyndon #ryanoneal #marisaberenson #stanleykubrick #kubrick #1975 #fottutocapolavoro
#mastocinema #redmondbarry #barrylyndon #ryanoneal #marisaberenson #stanleykubrick #kubrick #fottutocapolavoro
Three and a half hours of living Constable-painting landscapes; time-travel-perfect scenes in village, court, and army; duels of sword, gun, and gaze; a gloriously dubious baby…I find more to love in Barry Lyndon every time I see it. Every silken stitch in an embroidered lilac and every pill on the wool of a jacket cuff helps tell the story: it rewards close attention. A man can build himself out of violence and lies, but who wants to live with, or inside that man?
#TIL In the book version of #BarryLyndon, the Chevalier de Balibari is Redmond Barry's uncle--his French moniker comes from Ballybarry
Stanotte ho sognato un sacco di candele. E io chiudevo la finestra, perché tutto fosse illuminato dalle candele. Praticamente ho sognato di essere sul set di #BarryLyndon
Stanotte ho sognato un sacco di candele. E io chiudevo la finestra, perché tutto fosse illuminato dalle candele. Praticamente ho sognato di essere sul set di #BarryLyndon
"BARRY LYNDON" (1975, Stanley Kubrick)
#BarryLyndon #Kubrick #cine #series #movies #peliculas #cinemastodon #films
#barrylyndon #kubrick #cine #series #movies #peliculas #cinemastodon #films
From #BarryLyndon by #StanleyKubrick (1975) after the novel by #Thackeray
#movies #movie #films #film #thackeray #StanleyKubrick #barrylyndon
@gaiafx È uno dei suoi migliori, insieme a #BarryLyndon, #Dr.Strangelove, e #Shining.
Barry Lyndon is not my favorite Kubrick film but it’s still a good one. Plus, all the candle-lit interiors are beautiful and some of them even had camera moves. Pulling focus on those must have been a real pain considering the depth of field, or lack of. Kudos to DP John Alcott and his team. #movies #classicfilms #stanleykubrick #barrylyndon
#movies #classicfilms #stanleykubrick #barrylyndon
Watching this one today. #BarryLyndon #StanleyKubrick #ClassicFilms
#barrylyndon #stanleykubrick #classicfilms
È morto Leon Vitali, attore e storico assistente di Stanley Kubrick #barrylyndon #kubrick #leonvitali #22agosto
#22agosto #leonvitali #kubrick #barrylyndon