Economics starts with #barter
@NaturalNews We need to expand on: #undergroundeconomy #barter #junkcoins
#undergroundeconomy #barter #junkcoins
Good question.
I don't buy things, so I don't have that dilemma. But if I come across a belt or pair of shoes on a free table, or on a neighborhood giveway box, I'll take it and use it, with thanks to they who provided, including the animal it came from.
#vegan #gifteconomy #barter #leather
How The Barter Myth Harms Us
Let’s dive right into the debate on the origins of money, the reality of pre-money exchange, the actual uses of barter through history, and how all of this has affected our imagination of the present and the future.
#andrewism #capitalism #mythology #barter #harmful #dominationnarrative #limiting #socialevolution
#andrewism #capitalism #mythology #barter #harmful #dominationnarrative #limiting #socialevolution
#barter : to traffic or trade, by exchanging one commodity for another, in distinction from a sale and purchase, in which money is paid for the commodities transferred
- French: marchander
- German: Tausch
- Italian: scambio/baratto
- Portuguese: negociar
- Spanish: ragatear, hacer trueques
Fill in missing translations @
posted an ad in the #barter section of the #denver #craigslist
Oak shavings in exchange for smoked porcini mushrooms seems a great deal 🍄 ✌
Love your neighbourhood foraging guy
Or gal, I'm not fussed
This lady has a lot of wisdom to share. Grow your groceries, save seeds, share, barter, spread it around, mix it up, grow, garden, homestead... Survive. I've learned a lot of gardening and preserving things from this channel.
#prepping #GetPrepared #homesteading #harvest #PreserveFood #grow #barter #learn #educate #HomesteadHeart #WeWontNeedThemAnymore #HopeForTheFuture
#prepping #GetPrepared #homesteading #harvest #preservefood #grow #barter #learn #educate #homesteadheart #wewontneedthemanymore #HopeForTheFuture
@breadandcircuses Thank you for sharing this update. This update has a proactive feeling to me. Alan Urban is brief in this update. There are three lists. I appreciate lists. We are accomplishing some of the prepping simply by being a gardening family. #Minnesota, #RunnerDuck, #Garden, #GrowYourOwn, #Sew, #Fermentation, #Canning, #Barter, to list a few. #ClimateEmergency.
#minnesota #runnerduck #garden #growyourown #sew #fermentation #canning #barter #climateemergency
💪 Heute hat im Rathaus Thun der zweite Kompasstag stattgefunden. Hochkarätige Experten konnten den Jungunternehmerinnen und Jungunternehmern wertvolle Tipps mit auf den Weg geben. Vielen Dank der Berner Kantonalbank für die Initiative. Wir freuen uns bereits auf das nächste Jahr!
#wirtschaftsraumthun #bernerkantonalbank #gründerin #Gründer #startup #rathausthun #bekb #thunbier #BARTER
#wirtschaftsraumthun #bernerkantonalbank #grunderin #grunder #startup #rathausthun #bekb #thunbier #barter
#barter : to traffic or trade, by exchanging one commodity for another, in distinction from a sale and purchase, in which money is paid for the commodities transferred
- French: marchander
- German: Tausch
- Italian: scambio/baratto
- Portuguese: negociar
- Spanish: ragatear, hacer trueques
Fill in missing translations @
💡 Am 24. März 2023 ist es so weit: Im Rathaus Thun findet der diesjährige Kompasstag Thun statt. Der Wirtschaftsraum Thun freut sich, als Hosting-Partner diese tolle Initiative der Berner Kantonalbank zu unterstützen.
#wirtschaftsraumthun #bernerkantonalbank #gründerin #Gründer #startup #rathausthun #bekb #thunbier #BARTER
#wirtschaftsraumthun #bernerkantonalbank #grunderin #grunder #startup #rathausthun #bekb #thunbier #barter
📌 Datum vormerken und anmelden! - Am 24. März 2023 findet im Rathaus Thun der Kompasstag Thun 2023 statt. Der Wirtschaftsraum Thun freut sich, als Hosting-Partner diese tolle Initiative der Berner Kantonalbank zu unterstützen.
#wirtschaftsraumthun #bernerkantonalbank #Gründerin #Gründer #startup #rathausthun #bekb #thunbier #BARTER
#wirtschaftsraumthun #bernerkantonalbank #grunderin #grunder #startup #rathausthun #bekb #thunbier #barter
#DavidGraeber's Fragments of an #Anarchist #Anthropology makes the claim that what we call #barter economies were actually gift economies. If this is the case, it means the #Austrian theory of the origin of #money, that it was simply the most convenient widely desired commodity and its use came about naturally, needs to be modified. It also means money had a far more profound effect on cultures than I'd previously believed.
If economies without money really were gift economies, then in the absence of the ability to engage in precise economic calculation, people simply don't bother. Which means that rather than just making transactions more convenient by making it easier to calculate, money actually *created* the idea of transactions.
So then the question becomes: was there a "natural" demand for economic calculation, or was it imposed by states for taxation purposes? I suspect it's the latter, because without standards and infrastructure (coinage, scales with standardized weights) it would still be difficult to engage in precise calculation even for societies that had gold. At best it could have been used for large transactions, but how many large transactions would there have been in such a society?
#davidgraeber #anarchist #anthropology #barter #austrian #money
Bottled the usnea tincture. @mk30 drew the little label art 🥰
I have a limited number of 2oz bottles if anyone is interested in a purchase or exchange of some kind. ☺️
#plantmedicine #homesteady #hawaii #barter
#plantmedicine #homesteady #hawaii #barter
some more thoughts on willtrade..
#willtrade #ben #coders #ux #ui #frontend #html #barter #trade #futurethinknow #thetimeisnow #futuretoday #startthefuturetoday
#willtrade #ben #coders #ux #ui #frontend #html #barter #trade #futurethinknow #thetimeisnow #futuretoday #startthefuturetoday
some more thoughts on willtrade..
#willtrade #ben #coders #ux #ui #frontend #html #barter #trade #futurethinknow #thetimeisnow #futuretoday #startthefuturetoday
#willtrade #ben #coders #ux #ui #frontend #html #barter #trade #futurethinknow #thetimeisnow #futuretoday #startthefuturetoday
The Why Do I Still Live In My Car Series presents...
Okay, okay, okay, what about this?
1 pepperoni pizza = 1 ayn.obj tag
2 redbull { sugar free not applicable } = 1 ayn.obj tag
art supplies = varies
cash = varies
etc = varies
etc = varies
etc = varies
nico antonio grande
proud antifascist performance artist
at your service
#sdtps Speaking She
Scene: 15.
Come to the #bower under the cover of dusky #dawn and the #splendid in you will take hold.
Marvel at #perpetual #movement when the winding is in backwards rolling.
No need to fine tune the pail of #milk; #barter it off to the sky riders.
Sing me a song oh; sing me a song oh of #happiness in the #spring of autumn’s #summer.
#eternal #endless #abiding #perennial #timeless #immortal #immutable #continuous #persistent
#sdtps #bower #dawn #splendid #perpetual #movement #milk #barter #happiness #spring #summer #eternal #endless #abiding #perennial #timeless #immortal #immutable #continuous #persistent #storytelling #peace #worldpeace #rvbd21