Jascha Polet · @jascha
522 followers · 113 posts · Server mastodon.social

For , a picture of a in with some lovely . I distinctly remember how cold, dark and wet it was that day but I don’t have a clue which specific waterfall this is or where it is located…

#waterfallwednesday #waterfall #iceland #columnar #basalts

Last updated 2 years ago

Out past the Lighthouse at Rubha nan Gall again. Dry today. Rocks there are full of some quite large amygdales - mainly quartz and calcite I think. Mentioned in the BGS Memoir. These are low in the sequence lavas - the underlying Jurassic sediments are not far below. Just a little bit further north there are outcrops of Jurassic rocks. Lighthouse approach is made from a red Jurassic sandstone quarried nearby

#mull #geology #basalts #amygdales #calcite #quartz

Last updated 2 years ago