Connect your thoughts with the Twos App. ✌️ Write things down before you forget with notes, tasks, reminders, linking and an awesome community.
Did you Twos app has a graph view called universe?
It lets you see how your lists are connected. Build your Second Brain with ease.
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#basb #secondbrain #productivity #usetwos
Build a privacy-aware second brain
#zettelkasten #BASB #PKM #privacy #GPT4All #ChatGPT #IntellectualProperty
#zettelkasten #basb #pkm #privacy #gpt4all #chatgpt #intellectualproperty
Implementing A Second Brain in Emacs and Org-Mode - Tasshin
RT @BaldMando
Join me as we explore @notesnook!
Optimizing Notesnook Part #1
#productivity #basb
3. #CODE in #BASB stands for (C)apture, (O)rganize, (D)istill and (Express). All my knowledge I capture into #orgroam through capture templates. This allows quick capturing of thoughts and ideas and will put it into my "inbox" of thoughts, which is just a tag in #orgroam. Creating a few templates for your regular use cases already helps a lot. See:
@credmp Yes, often :D, me too!
I dunno that I am organized (or disciplined?) enough to follow someone else's acronym like PARA, CODE, or ACCESS.
But so far, nothing like that has yet worked for me. I keep trying things but I kind of have my own SHIT (Stuff here 'n there). When I see enough of the same type of things I try to pile them near each other and build something that funnels those similar things into those piles automatically.
This is the way.
#emacs #orgmode #orgroam #pkm #basb
I don't think I've posted about it anywhere else yet, so I'll mention it now.
I'm diving back into #OrgMode as my PKM of choice. It felt like most of the other apps today, evn if they support plaint text as a backend, have so much web tech sandwiched in between it was hard to actually change anything... and change is #emacs middle name.
It's funny because before I took Tiago's #BASB class the first time, I was on #OrgMode, but I ventured through several others before coming back.
If you're #dyslexia shows up like mine, you might struggle with saving, finding and linking ideas together.
Do you want to quickly work out where to save or find files AND you want to be able to link everything to everything else?
I've used PARA from #basb as a 'first principles' way of where to put stuff, overlaid with Obsidian.
I'm thinking of creating a course showing this.
DM me, I'd like to see if this has legs..
New #Blog article -
"Personal Knowledge Management for Developers and Architects"
I spend a lot of time these days thinking about knowledge management; both at enterprise scale and personal scale. It turns out, the dreams of the visionaries who first imagined what technology could do for human cognition are now ready for us to adopt. Applying these to my life and workflow has been transformational! Let me share the tools and techniques I’m using.
Historically I've preferred dead-tree-format for books. I dogear pages, I highlight passages, I scribble endless marginalia... Yeah, I could sorta do the same on my kindle but there was so much more friction.
The problem, of course, was those notes were idle on my shelf, unconnected to anything else.
Ever since #logseq became a core part of my daily workflow--along with #BASB--I want everything I read in PDF so I can highlight, annotate, connect, and understand.
How GPT-3 will turn your notes
into an *actual* second brain #basb #pkm #buildingasecondbrain
#BuildingaSecondBrain #pkm #basb
I've created a subreddit about #buildingasecondbrain #basb #pkm
#pkm #basb #BuildingaSecondBrain
Mooie quote die ik me nog herinner over een vergelijking met het creatieve proces "We gaan niet slapen, maar we creëren de ideale omstandigheden om in slaap te vallen" #basb #buildingasecondbrain #pkm
#pkm #BuildingaSecondBrain #basb
Nu aan het uitzoeken wat voor mij valt onder Project, Area, Resources of Archive #buildingasecondbrain #basb #pkm
#pkm #basb #BuildingaSecondBrain
Vol goede moed begonnen aan het bouwen van een tweede brein #buildingasecondbrain #basb #pkm
#pkm #basb #BuildingaSecondBrain
Tiago Forte's "Building a Second Brain" #BASB is reduced on Kindle today:
Looking forward to reading this one.