Should I tell the world that I made a #base16 color scheme #generator that can use fixed or randomized hues with fixed or randomized saturation/luminance and looks great in 75% of the cases? (Some hues just dont fit together, I may need to tweak the algorithm to filter them out)
I also want to enable a switch for light themes, as I want to try a light theme but probably also need to learn how to turn down brightness on wayland displays.
Still so much stuff to do, yet I've come such a long way.
Mon apprentissage #go avance bien :)
Création d'un outil pour visualiser les couleurs de son terminal.
Pouvez vous tester et me retourner la capture d'écran ?
Les binaires sont ici =>
#go #base16 #colorscheme #terminal
I have been using the excellent Dracula theme ( ), and have enjoyed its ports to many of the apps I use
But this weekend, I discovered the #base16 themes system ( ) which makes feasible to switch to a bunch of other themes with similar coverage
So, I've switched over to Rose Pine ( ) for something slightly darker, seems nice :)