Direkt zur #BaselOne mit der Bahn: freue mich, im Oktober dort einen #GraphQL Workshop geben zu dürfen. 😊 🚄
Vielleicht sieht man sich ja dort?
Gibt da ja auch noch andere tolle Workshops und Vorträge.
@BaselOne Unfortunately, I can't attend the #BaselOne this year because I'm traveling. But I can highly recommend it to every developer out there. Great speakers, a fantastic location, and a wonderful family atmosphere. Enjoy #BaselOne23 and please toot many nice photos!
We are pleased to present Adam Bien as the opener for #BaselOne23 conference day. His keynote speech will be all about "Modern #Java in the #Cloud or OnPrem".
With this announcement, we officially open ticket sales. Get your BlindBird tickets for the conference day now at a very attractive price. Visit our website at https://baselone.ch/one#tickets.
#baselone23 #java #cloud #baselone #community #basel
The #CfP for #BaselOne23 has officially started. Submit your talk or workshop proposals via https://sessionize.com/baselone2023/ until March 20, 2023.
Not sure which topics we cover? Visit https://baselone.ch/one#cfp to read all you need to know about the Call for Papers. We also offer 20 minutes slots for newcomers that want to make their first steps in the #community.
#cfp #baselone23 #community #sharingiscaring #comunitymatters #baselone #basel