National Park Services (NPS) ‘Park Tiles’ [public web mapping, USA]
-- <-- entry point
H/T @james McAndrew + @jake Coolidge
[also a mobile app ]
“Park Tiles is a suite of online basemaps designed to fit the National Park Service’s graphic identity. Built with simplicity and flexibility in mind, Park Tiles basemaps can be used as stand-alone reference maps, or customized web maps with additional data overlays. Park Tiles features NPS-sourced data inside park boundaries, and relies on OpenStreetMap data to provide additional context…”
#GIS #spatial #mapping #PostGIS #PostgresSQL #QGIS #vectortiles #opendata #opensource #gischat #ParkTiles #OSM #basemaps #NPS #maps #webmaps
#gis #spatial #mapping #postgis #postgressql #qgis #vectortiles #opendata #opensource #gischat #parktiles #osm #basemaps #nps #Maps #webmaps
U.S. Forest Service National Riparian Areas Base Map For The Conterminous United States In 2019
-- <-- shared paper
-- <-- shared story map
#GIS #spatial #mapping #opendata #riparian #areas #CONUS #USA #basemaps #ecosystems #vegetation #soil #characteristics #environment #survey #spatialanalysis #monitoring #planning #management #policy #framework #geospatialdatasets #national #raster #floodheight #hydrology #water #NHD #WBD #NHDPlus #hydrologic #wetlands #3DEP #elevation #remotesensing #MRLC #landcover #NLCD #interagency #cooperation
#gis #spatial #mapping #opendata #riparian #areas #conus #USA #basemaps #ecosystems #vegetation #soil #characteristics #Environment #survey #spatialanalysis #monitoring #planning #management #policy #framework #geospatialdatasets #national #raster #floodheight #hydrology #water #nhd #wbd #nhdplus #hydrologic #wetlands #3dep #elevation #remotesensing #mrlc #landcover #nlcd #interagency #cooperation #usfs #usda #usgs #usfws
Protomaps is transitioning from being 'open core', or partially proprietary, to an open source project with a tile generator and style generator for MapLibre GL #basemaps
I spent the 2nd half of 2022 working on these map styles and they finally launched! #cartography #basemaps
RT @stamen
New work: #AmazonLocationServices has launched four new map styles as part of their Open Data Maps service. Collaborating w/ AWS to make these maps has been a pairing of some of our favorite things: working w/ #OpenStreetMap & delivering custom map styles!…
#cartography #basemaps #amazonlocationservices #OpenStreetMap
Off to London for @geomob tonight! I'm planning to act like an expert about #imagery #basemaps and tell all about how @stadiamaps is delivering a top tier imagery map at best-in-class pricing. Should be fun! 😄
I'm around til Friday, so give me a shout if you want to meetup.
The Stamen basemaps, which have been online for free for over ten years and may disappear this 2023 due to lack of money, are well present in the #30DayMapChallenge #basemaps