BASE indexes 340+ million documents from more than 11.111 sources (publication repositories, publishers etc.).
Want to try a different search experience? Go to one of our partners:
– @MetaGer's science tab gets its result from us:
– #OpenKnowledgeMaps also uses #BASEsearch by default, and clusters results to give you an overview of your subject:
#MetaGer #academicSearch #scholarlySearch #publicationSearch #searchEngine
#openknowledgemaps #basesearch #metager #academicsearch #scholarlysearch #publicationsearch #searchengine
Last night (CET) our academic search engine BASE suffered an outage that lasted for several hours.
We were able able to identify and address the cause of this failure, and BASE is running well again.
Letzte Nacht ist unsere wissenschaftliche Suchmaschine BASE für einige Stunden ausgefallen.
Inzwischen läuft sie wieder stabil. Die Ursache für den Ausfall haben wir identifiziert und behoben.