@futurebird I guess just shoving in a @Raspberry_Pi and making a fake #Commodore64 #SX64 or #DX64 would be too easy...
Personally I'd use one to make some #Protoype #BaseStation equipment for several of my projects aside from the #NUCbook...
#nucbook #basestation #protoype #dx64 #sx64 #commodore64
Ik heb Apple Airport Extreme en Airport Express basisstations liggen, die ik niet meer gebruik. Kan ik daar iemand met een beperkt budget nog blij mee maken? Voor nop.
Kunnen laatste wifi snelheden niet meer aan, maar voor normaal gebruik zijn ze nog prima.
#apple #airport #basestation #wifi #gratis
How To Get A Very Precise [GPS] Coordinate Of Your RTK Base Station?
https://gpswebshop.com/blogs/rtk-real-time-kinematic-technology/how-to-get-a-very-precise-coordinate-of-your-rtk-base-station <--shared tutorial / ‘101’
[although this is an area I have not worked in for a number of years, and I definitely don’t have a full knowledge, I was prompted recently to gain a better understanding of more recent accuracy and precision improvements using GPS and base stations, etc]
“Any error in the base station position will directly translate into rover position errors, therefore the base station position accuracy is very important. To acquire a high precise location of your base station, PPK is one of the most popular methods…”
#GIS #spatial #mapping #GPS #basestation #RTK #PPK #tutorial #precision #accuracy #position #gischat #learning #onlinelearning
#gis #spatial #mapping #gps #basestation #RtK #ppk #tutorial #precision #accuracy #position #gischat #learning #onlinelearning
Testing some #javascript that loops through the JSON output from #dumpvdl2 and picks any key:value pairs that has lat/lon in them.
Then it reformats that data to #BaseStation format and sends it to #VRS (Virtual Radar Server).
The plan is to cross reference any aircraft with the same ICAO and is transmitting #ADSB data, thus highlight mostly military and bizjets that are trying to run quiet.
#javascript #dumpvdl2 #basestation #vrs #adsb
Ohhh it’s a good day today 🛰📡🤤@Blockstream @adam3us @denverbitcoin #BaseStation