#todayILearned that running a #powerShell script in a #GitHub action #cicd step - while still using "ubuntu-latest" - works perfectly.
I had a good idea that it *could* work. But having it work on the first try was a #happySurprise
I love #bashScripting, but when I'm generating a #jsonFile, PowerShell is the right tool for the job, for me.
#todayilearned #powershell #github #cicd #happysurprise #bashscripting #jsonfile
#todayILearned that running a #powerShell script in a #GitHub action #cicd step - while still using "ubuntu-latest".
I had a good idea that it *could* work. But having it work perfectly on the first try was a #happySurprise
I love #bashScripting, but when I'm generating a #jsonFile, PowerShell is the right tool for the job, for me.
#todayilearned #powershell #github #cicd #happysurprise #bashscripting #jsonfile
How To Parse CSV Files In Bash Scripts In Linux #Bashscripting #Bash #Scripting #Linux #CSV
#bashscripting #bash #scripting #Linux #csv
Today ChatGPT was at capacity and I couldn't get in. So I created bash script to chat to the regular GPT endpoint. Try it out!
#AI #bashscripting #Bash #chatgpt
Today ChatGPT was at capacity and I couldn't get in. So I created bash script to chat to the regular GPT endpoint. Try it out!
#AI #bashscripting #Bash #chatgpt
ICYMI: The new #BashScripting course on #LearnLinuxTV has launched. Every single lesson is now available! So why not #LearnLinux by writing scripts in bash? Check out this playlist. Also, please share the heck out of this! https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLT98CRl2KxKGj-VKtApD8-zCqSaN2mD4w #Linux #DevOps
#bashscripting #learnlinuxtv #learnlinux #linux #devops
Thus endeth the description of the script,
In language that mimics the great bard of Avon.
#ChatGPT #BashScripting #Shakespeare
What at time to be alive 🤣
#chatgpt #bashscripting #shakespeare
Next, the current commit hash is obtained,
And checked to see if a tag doth exist.
A new version tag is then created.
If the current commit hath no tag,
A changelog is generated with git-cliff's aid.
The new version changes are committed and pushed,
And the new tag is pushed to the remote repository.
If the commit already hath a tag,
The script doth exit and the bump is abandoned.
#chatgpt #bashscripting #shakespeare
Certainly, here is a description of the script using language that sounds like it might have been written by William Shakespeare:
The script doth search for the highest tag assigned,
And strips the leading "v" from the version.
If empty, the version number doth become "0.0.0".
Then, the version is split into its parts,
And the number increaseth based on the scope.
If no scope is provided, the patch doth increase.
#chatgpt #bashscripting #shakespeare
Could you describe what the script does, using language that sounds like it might have been written by William Shakespeare. It should be poetic, ideally using iambic pentameter, and read like it was written in 16th century England by the great bard of Avon.
#chatgpt #bashscripting #shakespeare
Help, #bash, #bashscripting, #divisions, #syntax
Determine whether the date number is even or odd to execute or not a given command.
a=$(date +%d)
if ! (( $a % $b ))
echo "Today's date has an even number."
echo "Today's date has an odd number."
Something is wrong here: the exclamation mark creates a negation, which shouldn't. By the way, the result is fine.
Where is my mistake? What am I actually not doing right here?
#syntax #divisions #bashscripting #bash
Help, #bash, #bashscripting, #dedivisions, #syntax
Determine whether the date number is even or odd to execute or not a given command.
a=$(date +%d)
if ! (( $a % $b ))
echo "Today's date has an even number."
echo "Today's date has an odd number."
Something is wrong here: the exclamation mark creates a negation, which shouldn't. By the way, the result is fine.
Where is my mistake? What am I actually not doing right here?
#syntax #dedivisions #bashscripting #bash
Help, #bash, #bashscripting, #delingen, #syntaxis
Bepalen of het datumnummer even of oneven is om een bepaalde opdracht al dan niet uit te voeren.
a=$(date +%d)
if ! (( $a % $b ))
echo "De datum van vandaag heeft een even nummer."
echo "De datum van vandaag heeft een oneven nummer."
Hier klopt iets niet: het uitroepteken zorgt voor een ontkenning, dat zou niet moeten. Het resultaat is overigens prima in orde.
Wat doe ik hier eigenlijk niet goed?
#syntaxis #delingen #bashscripting #bash
There is a new (still non-production) version of [nodejsscript@v0.9.0](https://github.com/jaandrle/nodejsscript)
#nodejs #javascript #shell #bashscripting #shelljs #webdev
The entire #BashScripting course on #LearnLinuxTV launched today. Every single lesson is now available! So why not #LearnLinux by writing scripts in bash? Check out this playlist. Also, please share the heck out of this! https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLT98CRl2KxKGj-VKtApD8-zCqSaN2mD4w #Linux #DevOps
#bashscripting #learnlinuxtv #learnlinux #linux #devops
Oh no! We've reached the end of the #BashScripting series! But don't worry, #LearnLinuxTV has an absolutely ridiculous amount of videos to help you #LearnLinux, and the best is yet to come! I hope you enjoyed #CyberMonday. https://youtu.be/nc--D-nTIEo
#bashscripting #learnlinuxtv #learnlinux #cybermonday
@haploc @blinry Yes, this. #BashScripting is unsafe by default, though, so you really shouldn’t be doing anything terribly complicated in it unless you really can’t depend on another language or a C compiler being available in all cases. If you need to use Bash, you should follow a rigorous set of best practices and use Shellcheck to help enforce them. Here’s a good starting set of best practices - perhaps some day I’ll get some time to write mine down. https://bertvv.github.io/cheat-sheets/Bash.html
How To Perform Arithmetic Operations In Bash #Bash #Bashscripting #Shellscripting #ArithmeticOperations #MathematicalOperations #Scripting #Linux #Linuxcommands #Linuxbasics
#LinuxBasics #linuxcommands #Linux #scripting #MathematicalOperations #ArithmeticOperations #shellscripting #bashscripting #bash
Bash Scripting - Select Loop Explained With Examples #Bash #Bashloops #Selectloop #Bashscripting #Shellscripting #Bashtutorial #Linux #Scripting
#scripting #Linux #BashTutorial #shellscripting #bashscripting #Selectloop #BashLoops #bash