Oi Polloi - Bash the Fash
d.i.y. punk band oi polloi antifascist song
#oipolloi #bashthefash #genocide #bash #fascist #nazi #resist #antifa #antifascist #communitydefense #solidarity
#oipolloi #bashthefash #genocide #bash #Fascist #nazi #resist #antifa #antifascist #communitydefense #solidarity
am i the last person in the world to realise what strong richard spencer vibes keir starmer gives off? with any luck, he'll suffer the same fate (at least once). #starmer #dangerous #bashTheFash
#bashthefash #dangerous #starmer
I heard through the grapevine that a trans woman was beaten up after leaving a bar in montreal last night. She's physically fine, but mentally shaken.
Just a reminder to be safe out there, and that there's safety in numbers.
#bashthefash #queersbashback #transrightsarehumanrights
Le 24 juin prochain, les fachos de Reconqu*te se rassemblent pas loin de chez moi... Une manifestation antifasciste et unitaire est déjà prévue pour s'opposer à l'extrême-droite et à ses idées mortifaires.
Pour l'occasion j'ai fait une petite affiche que je vous partage avec les infos du Collectif Antifa Orléans et du NPA jeunes 41 à propos de la future action.
#Antifa #antifascisme #siamotuttiantifascisti #bashthefash #regioncentrevaldeloire #LoirEtCher #vintage
#antifa #antifascisme #SiamoTuttiAntifascisti #bashthefash #regioncentrevaldeloire #LoirEtCher #vintage
Good morning, Netizens of New Cyberia! :hackers_town:
Every day is a good day to #BashTheFash!!
Yesterday, Missouri Attorney General Andrew Bailey had a site put up to narc on trans people in Missouri (and likely out of state, too):
However, the site doesn't do any kind of bot filtering, data validation, or even location validation (so long as you use a VPN and switch locations up!).
#transrightsarehumanrights #bashthefash #hacktheplanet
Oi Polloi - Let The Boots Do The Talking
We remember Mosely
and the Cable St folk who fought him!
when we see the fash
We let the boots do the talking!!!
#mastoradio #oipolloi #oipunk #gaelicpunx #bashthefash
Pro Women/Terf/anti Trans rally in Welington tomorrow. Anyone seen when and where?? #BashtheFash
RT @dalatindiva
#BashTheFash ✊️ https://twitter.com/LeftwardSwing/status/1635273170898014209
RT @dalatindiva
#BashTheFash ✊️ https://twitter.com/LeftwardSwing/status/1635273170898014209
RT @dalatindiva
Friends THIS is what we are fighting!
Screaming abt ending Judaism with images of skeletons & Nazis screaming "Christ is King".
End #WhiteSupremacy https://twitter.com/legociggy/status/1632204532401987591
RT @dalatindiva
Friends THIS is what we are fighting!
Screaming abt ending Judaism with images of skeletons & Nazis screaming "Christ is King".
End #WhiteSupremacy https://twitter.com/legociggy/status/1632204532401987591
#BashTheFash #documentary #SubMedia #film #antifascism
One of the things I want people to PAY ATTENTION to is:
Reach out to disenfranchised people before the #farrightnutters get to them
#bashthefash #documentary #submedia #film #AntiFascism #antifascistorganising #farrightnutters
#music #musica #musik #musikken #musique
#WeAreTheRadio #MastoRadio #TootRadio #FediRadio #pouetradio
#Music #musica #musik #musikken #musique #oipolloi #bashthefash #wearetheradio #mastoradio #tootradio #fediradio #pouetradio
You can thank Doug Stanhope for that one -
I don't want this to get buried - this is a very, very good post on the topic of violence against fascists I've found on Tumblr. Links below.
"Very few things make me angry like the absolute and complete fetishization of non-violence in many (especially Liberal) circles. This idea that violence is inherently evil, and if you use it you're immediately abhorrent.
The idea that in the realm of dealing with Fascists and Nazis, people who directly or indirectly, cause MASSIVE harm and loss of life to do many innocent people, if you fight back you're a hypocrite and no better than they are.
Furthermore, even if they're not outright crying about somebody killing a Fascist, you'd better believe somebody you love should already have died/are about to die before you're allowed to fight back. Don't you dare organize preemptively to protect yourselves and your community otherwise you're a violent 'extremist'.
There seems to be this... belief that in order for marginalized peoples to be justified in protecting themselves, they should have to wait until the noose is already around their throat, because god forbid they fight against it being put on in the first place.
Actively preventing the loss of Jewish, Disabled, Trans, Gay, Queer, Black, Indigenous, and all marginalized lives is just as important. We shouldn't have to die to prove to you that our lives are worth protecting. We shouldn't have to pay a blood tax to earn the right to defend our lives.
Pacifism is a great and noble thing, but only when you apply it to situations where it's appropriate and viable.
And in this day and age, there is no such thing as 'Pacifism'
There's just being okay with marginalized people dying."
- Gaydation-Poisoning
#bashthefash #antifascism #antifascistaction #antifa #fucknazis #smashfascism #anarchism #communism #socialism
#bashthefash #antifascism #antifascistaction #antifa #fucknazis #smashfascism #anarchism #communism #socialism
He featured me in a second post -- with friends!
Also, *I am* the one going to hoof him in the nads if they're in range.
Others can, too, if they want 🤷🏾♀️
#antifa #bashthefash
(Had to redo as I missed blurring someone.)
VIDEO demonstration why they (Caryma & co.) need to be filmed ALL THE TIME, AT EVERY ACTION.
Here creepy cameraspouse pushes @hungover_the and then falls down, calling for police intervention against the very antifascists they came to harass.
Video courtesy @CatLady
#AlertaAlertaAntifascista #bashthefash #antifa #WhoKeepsUsSafe
#AlertaAlertaAntifascista #bashthefash #antifa #whokeepsussafe