Exploring the Commodore Plus/4 for 3D graphics - without AI yet, throwback time. Wish I had access to ChatGPT back then (for docs, not for code) #commodore #commodoreplus4 #CommodoreBasic #BasicProgramming #C64Programming #RetroProgramming
#commodore #commodoreplus4 #commodorebasic #basicprogramming #c64programming #retroprogramming
Discovered retro 8-bit computer programming click bait
You can read it on Internet Archive
Of course, it is not what you think
#ClickBait #RetroComputing #BASICProgramming #computerGames #IBMPC #AppleII #AppleIIe #TRS-80
#clickbait #retrocomputing #basicprogramming #computergames #ibmpc #appleii #appleiie #trs
Same here. BASIC programs were the only info I ever had on biorhythms. Never realised that there was a cult-like craze surrounding it and until decades later
See page 20 of Byte Magazine
(April 1976), "Biorhythms for Computers" by Joy and Richard Fox
#biorhythms #retroComputing #retro #ByteMagazine #history #BasicProgramming
#biorhythms #retrocomputing #retro #bytemagazine #history #basicprogramming
Q: Were there any notable challenges in writing the game in Applesoft BASIC?
A: Line numbers! Ugh. It’s been ages since I had to care about line numbers.
#appleii #basicprogramming #retrocomputing
#retrocomputing #basicprogramming #appleii
Q: Were there any notable challenges in writing the game in Applesoft BASIC?
A: Line numbers! Ugh. It’s been ages since I had to care about line numbers.
#appleii #basicprogramming #retrocomputing
#retrocomputing #basicprogramming #appleii
Some light reading for the upcoming weekend.
#retroComputing #retroComputers #8bitComputing #Apple2e #basicProgramming
#retrocomputing #retrocomputers #8bitcomputing #apple2e #basicprogramming
From 4 Basic Games to Disco. Recent thrift store find of a datasette turned discotape. #basicprogramming #disco #cassetteculture #tdk #tdkcassette #tape #thriftstorefinds #obsoletemedia #vintagecomputing #vintagegaming
#basicprogramming #disco #cassetteculture #TDK #tdkcassette #tape #thriftstorefinds #obsoletemedia #vintagecomputing #vintagegaming
Racket Slideshow for Japanese Poems. 都城詩人 富松良夫 の詩 で 関数プログラミングのプレゼン。
#Racket #DrRacket #slideshow #poem #poetry #富松良夫 #都城市 #宮崎県 #CKOgden #BasicEnglish #BasicScheme #BasicProgramming
#drracket #poetry #宮崎県 #ckogden #basicscheme #basicprogramming #racket #slideshow #poem #富松良夫 #都城市 #basicenglish