The easiest way to tell if someone was old enough to take "home economics" back in school is to look in their kitchen sink. If it's utterly gross even after they've finished their dishes and hung up the dishmop for the night, they either never had a home ec class or were just too cool to take it seriously. Yuck. Of course, I was in school in the privileged era when home ec and shop class were co-ed and mandatory, so I had a lucky run.
#lessonsfromhomeec #homeec #basicskills
Many of us tie at least one a knot a day when we tie our shoes.
Easy, right?
But what about those knots we only need occasionally and wish we knew?
Like tying down something to your car's rooftop carrier?
Or joining your broken rope or string back together?
Or impressing your boat-owner friend by quickly and properly securing their boat to a dock.
You're in luck. This website will teach you how to tie the knots you need.
#knots #basicskills #knowledge #howto
Next year I will assign a 600 word essay and require students to cite one source for every sentence. #basicskills