RT @criticalthreats
NEW | #Khamenei briefly lost control of his audience during a speech to #Basij students on April 18, indicating the degree to which dissatisfaction has spread among parts of the Iranian regime’s most loyal factions. New update from CTP & @TheStudyofWar: https://www.criticalthreats.org/analysis/iran-update-april-24-2023 /5
By the way, the first deaths among the country's security forces have now begun in #Iran due to severe abnormal #frosts. This is #DavudJavadaniyan, a #basij from the battalion of #Imam_Hussein of the 48th brigade of the #IRGC "#Fatah" of the #Kekhkeliye and #Buir_Ahmad Stan. He froze to death this morning a couple of days ago while on duty.
#iran #frosts #davudjavadaniyan #basij #imam_hussein #irgc #fatah #kekhkeliye #buir_ahmad
Well, traditionally, throughout #Iran, #arson of the #IRGC and #Basij bases, attacks on security forces, #protests, acts of disobedience. A number of revolutionaries are awaiting the death penalty. The confrontation with the #Ayatollah regime continues.
#iran #arson #irgc #basij #protests #ayatollah
Iranian prominent lawyer #MohsebBorhani openly criticized death sentence of those accused of killing #Basij members & the legality of their court orders
This is a very strong & brave action that (sadly) made him target of massive hate attacks by so called "Iranian #diaspora" as well as hard line regime supporters
He is 1 of the few lawyers in #Iran who hasn’t been put in prison for criticism of the unjust & rapid kangaroo courts
#HumanRights #Politics #DeathPenalty #IranProtests #IranUprising
#iranuprising #iranprotests #deathpenalty #politics #humanrights #iran #diaspora #basij #mohsebborhani
Sources in #Iran say that the high court of #IRI judiciary has approved the death penalty for 2 more people of the group accused of participation in the stabbing of a #Basij member in late September 2021.
They were transferred to #RajaiShahr prison in #Karaj and being held in solitary confinement.
#MohammadGhobadlou and #MohammadBoroghani facing execution by hanging in coming days.
#StopExecutionInIran #Politics #IranProtests #IranUprising #HumanRights
Mohammad Ghobadlou and Mohammad Boroghani facing execution by hanging in coming days. https://social.tchncs.de/@faab64/109658801213706599
#rajaishahr #karaj #mohammadghobadlou #mohammadboroghani #stopExecutionInIran #politics #iranprotests #iranuprising #humanrights #iran #IRI #basij
Sources in #Iran say that the high court of #IRI judiciary has approved the death penalty for 2 more people of the group accused of participation in the stabbing of a #Basij member in late September 2021.
They were transferred to #RajaiShahr prison in #Karaj and being held in solitary confinement.
#MohammadGhobadlou and #MohammadBoroghani facing execution by hanging in coming days.
#StopExecutionInIran #Politics #IranProtests #IranUprising #HumanRights
#humanrights #iranuprising #iranprotests #politics #stopExecutionInIran #mohammadboroghani #MohammadGhobadlou #karaj #rajaishahr #basij #iri #iran
RT @MarianoGiustino@twitter.com
Guardate e fate guardare a Bruxelles il momento in cui la Rep. islamica in #Iran impicca giovani manifestanti come #MajidrezaRahnavard in pubblico,all'alba.
I volontari pasdaran,#basij,magnificano Dio al grido di "Allahu Akbar".I pasdaran sono minaccia per il mondo
#iran #majidrezarahnavard #basij
Wenn einzelne Medien berichten,die beiden Hingerichteten #MohammadHosseini #MohammadMehdiKarami hätten gestanden, einen #Basij-Milizen erstochen zu haben, so sollte man an dieser Stelle erwähnen:
-Geständnisse werden oft unter Folter o massiver Bedrohung und tagelangen Verhören • Quelle: https://nitter.grimneko.de/isabelschayani/status/1611788879551467523#m
#mohammadhosseini #mohammadmehdikarami #basij
Mehdi Karami and Seyed Mohammad Hosseini were executed after their sentences were approved by the highest court of #IRI regime.
The 2 are part of the group accused of participating in protest and riots that led to death of a member of #Basij.
The other 3 accused are facing a "retrial". These process are all outside the normal judicial process.
#DeeathPenalty #StopExecutionsInIran #Politics #Injustice
#IranProtests #IranUprising
#mohammadhosseini #mohammadmehdikarami #iranuprising #iranprotests #injustice #politics #stopexecutionsiniran #deeathpenalty #basij #iri
#Iranian authorities carry out the second public execution of a protester
According to media reports, 23-year-old #MajidrezaRakhnavard was hanged in the city of #Mashhad in northeastern #Iran.
He was sentenced to death on charges of killing two members of the #Basij #militia and injuring four other security forces.
#iranisaterroriststate #militia #basij #Iran #Mashhad #majidrezarakhnavard #iranian
Mehr musst Du über die Perversen an der Macht in Teheran nicht wissen #IranRevolution2022
RT @DuezenTekkal@twitter.com
.@guardian@twitter.com berichtet von der misogynen Dimension des Staatsterrors in #Iran. Ärzte geben an, dass #Basij-Milizen bei der Bekämpfung der #IranRevolution gezielt auf Gesicht u. Unterleib von Frauen schießen. Sie wollen "die Schönheit der Frauen zerstören".
#iranrevolution2022 #iran #basij #iranrevolution
RT @DuezenTekkal@twitter.com
.@guardian@twitter.com berichtet von der misogynen Dimension des Staatsterrors in #Iran. Ärzte geben an, dass #Basij-Milizen bei der Bekämpfung der #IranRevolution gezielt auf Gesicht u. Unterleib von Frauen schießen. Sie wollen "die Schönheit der Frauen zerstören".
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/DuezenTekkal/status/1601227658527854592
RT @DuezenTekkal@twitter.com
Die #Basij-Miliz setzt Streumunition ein, kleine Kugeln, die sich tief in die Haut bohren. "Viele Frauen, die im Intimbereich getroffen wurden, empfinden große Scham, ein Krankenhaus aufzusuchen. Sie verarzten sich selbst. Das ist gefährlich", gibt eine Ärztin aus #Mazandaran an.
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/DuezenTekkal/status/1601227663313866752
RT @DuezenTekkal@twitter.com
Die #Basij-Miliz setzt Streumunition ein, kleine Kugeln, die sich tief in die Haut bohren. "Viele Frauen, die im Intimbereich getroffen wurden, empfinden große Scham, ein Krankenhaus aufzusuchen. Sie verarzten sich selbst. Das ist gefährlich", gibt eine Ärztin aus #Mazandaran an.
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/DuezenTekkal/status/1601227663313866752
RT @DuezenTekkal@twitter.com
.@guardian@twitter.com berichtet von der misogynen Dimension des Staatsterrors in #Iran. Ärzte geben an, dass #Basij-Milizen bei der Bekämpfung der #IranRevolution gezielt auf Gesicht u. Unterleib von Frauen schießen. Sie wollen "die Schönheit der Frauen zerstören".
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/DuezenTekkal/status/1601227658527854592
Comunicato dell'autorità giudiziaria: "#Shekari è stato riconosciuto colpevole di aver combattuto e di aver estratto la sua arma con l'intenzione di uccidere, provocando terrore e turbando l'ordine e la sicurezza della società. Ha intenzionalmente pugnalato un #Basij, mentre svolgeva il suo dovere, e ha bloccato #SattarKhanStreet a #Teheran."
#iran #shekari #basij #sattarkhanstreet #teheran
Annunciata oggi dalle autorità l'esecuzione del primo manifestante arrestato durante le proteste per #MahsaAmini: il 23enne Mohsen #Shekari, ucciso per impiccagione. Shakari è stato giudicato colpevole di "inimicizia contro Dio", di aver ferito con un coltello una guardia della #Basij (polizia morale) e di aver bloccato una strada principale della capitale #Teheran (in data 25 settembre).
#iran #MahsaAmini #shekari #basij #teheran
It is sad and unfortunate that the opposition leaders in Europe and US who pushed for such actions from early days of peaceful protests, are now using them as def-facfo martyrs.
Without access to lawyers or independent observers, these young men have little to no chance to fight the death sentence in higher courts. There is a big risk that the regime will end up executing some if not all of them.
#Politics #IranProtests #iran #Basij #DeathPenalty
#deathpenalty #basij #iran #iranprotests #politics