The relationship between the Byzantine Empire and ancient Armenia was a constant and varied one with an equal mix of wars, occupations, treaties of friendship, mutual military aid, and cultural exchange. #History #Armenia #BasilI #ByzantineEmpire
#byzantineempire #basili #Armenia #History
The Byzantine Emperor ruled as an absolute monarch in an institution which lasted from the 4th to 15th century CE. #History #AnastasiosI #BasilI #BasilII
#basilii #basili #anastasiosi #History
Basil I was emperor of the Byzantine Empire from 867 to 886 CE and he founded the "Macedonian" dynasty which lasted for over 200 years. #History #Armenia #ArmeniaTracker #BasilI
#basili #armeniatracker #Armenia #History
Built in the seventh century BCE, the ancient city of Byzantium proved to be a valuable city for both the Greeks and Romans. #AlexiosIKomnenos #BasilI #BasilII #History
#History #basilii #basili #alexiosikomnenos