Couldn’t do #Fedipaint and not mess about with a fun base, could I now?!
Did some more highlights to the Halfing Cook, and I think I’m now at - let not mess any more with this or I’ll muck up something I’m really happy with. Therefore I’m going to mess with some muck.
#Miniatures #Warhammer #BitsBoxRaid #Minis #WarhammerCommunity #warhamFam #Miniature #WIP #BasingMinis #BasingMiniatures #WarhammerFantasy #WHFB
#fedipaint #miniatures #warhammer #bitsboxraid #minis #warhammercommunity #warhamFam #miniature #WIP #basingminis #basingminiatures #warhammerfantasy #whfb
Winterfell Plains Crackle Paint- lets see what this cool new effect paint looks like (cool, see what we did there). Take a look
#cracklepaint #miniatures #basingminiatures #ice #winter
Building and basing aftermath. Modeling clay causes such a mess.
#Warhammer40000 #warhammerCommunity #warhammer #genestealercults #basingminis #basingminiatures
#warhammer40000 #warhammercommunity #warhammer #genestealercults #basingminis #basingminiatures