Couldn’t do #Fedipaint and not mess about with a fun base, could I now?!
Did some more highlights to the Halfing Cook, and I think I’m now at - let not mess any more with this or I’ll muck up something I’m really happy with. Therefore I’m going to mess with some muck.
#Miniatures #Warhammer #BitsBoxRaid #Minis #WarhammerCommunity #warhamFam #Miniature #WIP #BasingMinis #BasingMiniatures #WarhammerFantasy #WHFB
#fedipaint #miniatures #warhammer #bitsboxraid #minis #warhammercommunity #warhamFam #miniature #WIP #basingminis #basingminiatures #warhammerfantasy #whfb
Doing a bit of work on the base.
I'm upset that I forgot to buy UHU glue, I wanted some to help with the globes left over.
I might use the fake snow paint, and use contrast paint as a base for rubles, then add the broken glass to it
#skaven #kitbash #basingminis #warhammer
Building and basing aftermath. Modeling clay causes such a mess.
#Warhammer40000 #warhammerCommunity #warhammer #genestealercults #basingminis #basingminiatures
#warhammer40000 #warhammercommunity #warhammer #genestealercults #basingminis #basingminiatures
Oh well... since that's some kind of stairs base, why not add another step, made with an ice cream stick?
Testing, sawing, glueing. Re-testing...
Yep: 2 stacked 4mm MDF pieces (scraps from the fablab waste box) look like the right compromise.
The drac' should appear bigger with 32mm miniatures but not to big with 28mm.
Then you might want to have a look at toots/threads tagged with #BasingMinis :)
#BasingMinis #Necron
Just glued some bitz & scrap plastic on the bases before sand and gravel.
That should do the trick.
Time to give my old partial repaint of #MageKnight Screeching Terror a new base.
To be played as a "Blood Rage Vampire" in scenario 6 of #ForbiddenPsalm.
#basingminis #mageknight #ForbiddenPsalm
Woken up by thunder at 6 o' clock on a sunday morning.
Might as well get busy #BasingMinis.
Blog post, in french:
Socle de figurine en ombreverre / #shadeglass avec... de la pâte à lasagnes - Journal d'un pousseur de figurines
Un Solonavi Striker de mes figs Mage Knight pour incarner un genre de golem d'ombreverre pour des parties dans le contexte de #Shadespire.
#basingminis #shadeglass #shadespire
#BasingMinis #Skaven
The Horned Rat is in the details...
So I decided to add some #warpstone to the base, instead of just painting it right away.
#basingminis #skaven #warpstone
"One man's trash is another man's treasure"
That's why I often have a look at the content of the local FabLab bin...
#BasingMinis with sand.
10 #Nighthaunts from the first issue of #Warhammer #MortalRealms.
#basingminis #Nighthaunts #warhammer #MortalRealms
How to keep the #MageKnight Clix base but masking the stats window?
Broken mirrors being part of the lore of #Shadespire, that is the theme I chose.
What material do I have at home that could work with?
LASAGNA! Let's try this...
#basingminis #mageknight #shadespire
This mini project is what I believe Stephen King (the writer) calls "a cold meal". I've lost interest in it and I have to force myself to finish it.
3- #UndeadDragon WIP
Sometimes there's no other choice to get those #MageKnight minis off their Clix base than to cut the plastic with the right tool.
#UndeadDragon #basingminis #mageknight
#BasingMinis these days? For some... I will use whatever is at hand, the lazy way.
I do have quite a lot of choice, and lots of tools in store.
I just don't give a f*%! anymore...
Easy Mordehiem Basing for all Warbands - TOO MUCH DEVLAN
#BasingMinis tutorial