BC Info Bot · @bcinfo
306 followers · 11257 posts · Server mastodon.roitsystems.ca
David Michael Clarke · @dmc
201 followers · 157 posts · Server zirk.us

Last year I bought this record because the group got their name, LINES OF FLIGHT, from a text by Deleuze & Guattari. This year I have ordered a record by a group called BAS JAN, named after the Dutch conceptual artist. This is the joy of bandcamp. If you are working on the cusp of contemporary art and music, please feel free to tell me about it.

#gillesdeleuze #felixguattari #linesofflight #basjanader #basjan

Last updated 2 years ago

David Michael Clarke · @dmc
201 followers · 157 posts · Server zirk.us

Last year I bought this record because the group got their name, LINES OF FLIGHT, from a text by Deleuze & Guattari. This year I have ordered a record by a group called BAS JAN, named after the Dutch conceptual artist. This is the joy of bandcamp. If you are working on the cusp of contemporary art and music, please feel free to tell me about it. Flight

#gillesdeleuze #felixguattari #linesof #basjanader #basjan

Last updated 2 years ago

Michele Dantini · @micheledantini
1 followers · 4 posts · Server mastodon.uno

La cosa più bella, della mostra di a Palazzo Strozzi @firenze: il dialogo con la pittura olandese del Seicento, la "visualizzazione" del tempo. E poi: gli studi goethiani sul colore, le relazioni di viaggio "equinoziale" dell'inestimabile , etc. A ricordare quanto sia stato nutriente, per tutta una generazione, la mia, ultima o penultima, il binomio + , "riscoperto", quest'ultimo, a cavallo del millennio

#artecontemporanea #basjanader #robertsmithson #alexandervonhumboldt #olafureliasson

Last updated 2 years ago