Probably my last visit (09/17) to this land that I love so much, the Basque Country. I was one month old at my first visit and I returned there at least once a year until 2017 (so for more than 50 years).
Plage des 100 marches in Bidart overlooking the Pyrenees and Spain.
#bidart #plagedes100marches #basquecoast #basquecountry
#basquecountry #basquecoast #plagedes100marches #bidart
Down memory lane
#basquecountry #basque #basquecoast #france #saintjeandeluz #biarritz
#biarritz #saintjeandeluz #france #basquecoast #basque #basquecountry
San Sebastian, #BasqueCoast, #Spain
#silentsunday #photography #basquecoast #spain
Ce tirage de ma série Bord de mer (visible sur mon site, dans le portfolio) claque vraiment dans ce cadre noir. Il s'agit d'un détail de la plage d'Ilbarritz je pense, en tout cas c'est la côte basque.
#tiragedart #tiragephoto #fineart #qualite #qualitemusee #baryta #hahnemuhle #photographie #photographe #ocean #plage #cotebasque #paysbasque #sable #cailloux #print #artprint #museumquality #photography #photographer #beach #sand #basquecoast #atlantic #pyreneesatlantiques #nouvelleaquitaine
#nouvelleaquitaine #pyreneesatlantiques #atlantic #basquecoast #sand #beach #photographer #photography #museumquality #artprint #print #cailloux #sable #paysbasque #cotebasque #plage #ocean #photographe #photographie #hahnemuhle #baryta #qualitemusee #qualite #fineart #tiragephoto #tiragedart