#Deathgrips #concert #bataclan
Les gens vous savez combien certaines choses sont importantes pour moi. J'ai raté Moderat, je ne raterai pas Death Grips. On a nos places, j'espère que vous aussi !
#bataclan #concert #deathgrips
Representar el post-trauma desde las emociones, con un montaje y juego de luces que te enreda hasta sentir la nausea. Excelente guión, buena dirección y geniales actuaciones de Noémie Merlant y Nahuel Pérez.
Y este análisis, si ya viste la película: https://www.lasfuriasmagazine.com/un-ano-una-noche-pelicula-isaki-lacuesta/
#enchufatecine #cinesocial #unanounanoche #bataclan
@stevesilberman That's a beautiful juxtapostion. It reminds me of an experience I had: after the terror attacks in Paris in November 2015, I wrote a poem, "Bataclan", that I posted on Facebook. Then I set it to music. I didn't know that my friend Roli Frei was setting it to music at the same time. Here are the two versions:
Human Shields (my band); https://humanshields.bandcamp.com/track/bataclan
Roli Frei: https://rolifrei.bandcamp.com/track/bataclan
#Music #Bataclan #HumanShields #RoliFrei #Songwriting #Poetry
#poetry #songwriting #rolifrei #humanshields #bataclan #music
Il 13 novembre 2015 in un attentato dell’ISIS al teatro Bataclan di Parigi persero la vita 90 persone tra cui Valeria Solesin. Valeria era una ragazza veneziana di 28 anni, stava per laurearsi alla Sorbona ed era attiva nel volontariato con Emergency, il suo sogno era far del bene alle persone. Questa canzone è dedicata a lei. Grazie a Massimo Priviero per averla scritta.
🎧 https://youtu.be/P9_595ZwD8I 🎧
#mikemusic #musicaitaliana #mastoradio #MASTOMUSIC #bataclan #isis #terrorismo #cantautori
#mikemusic #musicaitaliana #mastoradio #mastomusic #bataclan #isis #terrorismo #cantautori
This album is a conundrum for me. The fading ‘There’s an angel standing in the sun/Waiting to get back home’ is an already nostalgic tribute to #SupperReady (SR) which #PhilCollins, with a radically different stage/instrument set up, arguably sang better live than #PeterGabriel (PG really struggled at the #bataclan, 1973). I saw PC sing it, 1976. Very Courageous. PC was a courageous musician. Perhaps, with that clever, fading line, A Trick is their last album.
#bataclan #petergabriel #philcollins #supperready
💕 Artist: #DeMademoiselleMM - in City: #Paris 11eme, l'entrée de #Bataclan France 🇫🇷 - Title: "Demoiselle Carpe Koï" - #Art #Streetart #Mastoart #Mural #Koi #Painting
#painting #koi #Mural #MastoArt #streetart #art #bataclan #paris #demademoisellemm
Frieden, Liebe und Death Metal
Es war der 13. November 2015: Terroristen stürmen die Konzerthalle des Bataclan in Paris, wahllos töten sie. Erst nach knapp drei Stunden endet das Massaker, 89 Menschen sterben. Ein Überlebender, Ramón González, bringt das Buch „Paz, Amor y Death Metal“ heraus – jetzt gibt es die Verfilmung mit dem deutschen Verleihtitel „Frieden, Liebe und Death Metal“.
Attentat du #Bataclan : la justice condamne le chirurgien qui avait diffusé une radiographie d’une rescapée sur Internet ⤵️ https://www.liberation.fr/societe/police-justice/attentat-du-bataclan-un-chirurgien-condamne-pour-avoir-diffuse-une-radiographie-dune-rescapee-sur-internet-20221130_YADEUMPMWRBLTCTWZLBOPVPK54/
Anyone looking for tickets for the #LittleSimz concert at #Bataclan in Paris next weekend? I'm going to the one in Berlin in the end so have two for sale…
RT @faureolivier@twitter.com
Le #13Novembre 2015 au #Bataclan, un agent de sécurité, Hermann Aka Bile, a par son sang froid permis de sauver des dizaines de personnes en les faisant passer par une issue de secours. 7 ans après, l’Etat lui refuse toujours la nationalité 🇫🇷. M. Le Pdt, réparez cette injustice!
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/faureolivier/status/1591742577396822017
they caught the terrorist in #istanbul in her own house...terrible shelter....the kremlin's methods of provocation remain unchanged. on the day of #bataclan they repeated a provocation in Istanbul. Erdoğan is being helped to become completely pro #putin ( #putler ) , completely anti-West, as we saw in the announcement of his ministry. We were surprised... :emo:
#istanbul #bataclan #putin #putler
🇫🇷 https://charliehebdo.fr/2021/09/societe/armee-et-police/attentat-bataclan-eloge-desobeissance/ #13Novembre2015 #paris "La question de la désobéissance est au cœur de l’attentat contre le #Bataclan. La tuerie a été stoppée par un commissaire de la brigade anticriminalité (BAC) qui a enfreint les consignes. À l’inverse, huit soldats de la force Sentinelle y assistaient les bras ballants, comme on le leur avait ordonné. Ces sujets très sensibles sont abordés dans le documentaire Les Ombres du Bataclan"
#bataclan #paris #13Novembre2015
I am concerned about the provocation...for these reasons that you are referring
#provocations #bataclan #RussiaWar